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Basic jet - absolute FAR speed record challenge

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While I've posted previous challenges on basic jet speed, they were all before 1.0 and nuFAR were released.

Having attempted to use basic jets in the 5th Generation Fighter challenge, I can say that exceeding mach 2 with them is quite difficult for a number of reasons.

The goal is simple: build a vehicle which, at some altitude, can maintain the highest possible speed on any number of J-33 "Wheesley" Basic Jet Engines.



1. Use the latest version of FAR, v0.15.4 as of this post.

2. The only source of thrust on your vehicle can be the J-33 "Wheesley" Basic Jet Engine. No physics-breaking magic drives of any kind, no rockets, no turbojets, ion-thrusters, RCS, or anything but basic jets.

3. No debug cheats, no modifying the drag or area ruling in FAR or using hyperedit.

4. You may use mods, but please specify what mods. Don't use mods that change the J-33 engine or alter FAR. I can veto exceedingly overpowered mods (for example, a mod which adds massless indestructible wings or unrealistic intake air tanks).

5. If you can't sustain a given speed in level flight, it doesn't count.

6. Post a picture at top speed.



1. Pds314 in the Superion at 659.2 m/s




My entry:

The Superion


It has 6 basic jets and a Mach 1 drag area of 2.099. It is unstable in yaw, so SAS is important.

It was carefully area-ruled to achieve this performance, and finally reached a speed of 659.2 meters per second at 6516 meters altitude.

It is reasonably maneuverable at supersonic speeds and, somewhat surprisingly, glides fairly well too.

On the ground before flight:


Edited by Pds314
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