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Planets not loading at large distances.

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This was posted in the Kopernicus thread a couple days ago, and I was told to ask the mod devs. I did and after (rightly so) being ignored, I decided that here would be a better place to post this. Here is the exchange:

So this looks like a Kopernicus issue. To explain what happens: I was using the telescope in the Hullcam mod to try to get a good look at the more distant OPM planets (to be specific, Neidon) from LKO with the DOE mod. As I zoomed in close enough to where the DOE flare disappears, the planets themselves didn't show up at all, despite the disappearance of the lens flare.

Steps to reproduce:

Install the latest versions of OPM, Distant Objects, and Hullcam. Get the large telescope into orbit. Point at Neidon. Notice how it disappears if you zoom into it. Closer bodies are not affected.

Now before you point me to the OPM thread, I've tested this with the K2 rescale mod, and the entirety of the OPM planets disappear. Not entirely sure if this is a stock limitation on how far away planetary bodies are rendered, or if there's a workaround, but I just thought I'd report this here just in case. I don't use any other Kopernicus mods so I can't say for sure, but I'd think this would also occur on any submod which rescales the solar system or adds bodies at exceedingly far distances eg: Outer Dwarf Planets. Either way, if there's a workaround, it'd be nice to be able to use Tarsier Telescopes or the ones in Cacteye with larger rescales and far away bodies.

have you tried moving jool to a higher orbit? put it at the same distance as neidon and try to look at the two planets

maybe that can help

Hmmm.... Jool disappears when moved out to Neidons orbit as well. Seems Like it's a stock issue. Is it possible that there could be a workaround?

no idea, you can try asking also to the telescope mod devs :)

As I said, this appears to be a stock issue. I'd like to know if there is a workaround to this, or if the planet rendering distance in stock is hardcoded. Thanks in advance for any help here.

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