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Landing bug over tundra biome?

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Greetings all!

Just found this game and I am totally in orbit over it. I've been waiting for a game / simulator like this for decades.

But, I do have an issue:

I'm trying to do an EVA in the mountains around coordinates 25.7 , -148.3. I'm using an airplane with a drop capsule as pictured below.


I've successfully done this over grasslands, highlands, and the polar ice cap. But at the above coordinates, as soon as the capsule touches down it disappears and the crewman is listed as KIA. I get a clean separation from the aircraft over smooth flat terrain with a decent rate of about 5.4 m/s. If I follow the capsule all the way down, it lands successfully but then my aircraft disappears (I left it for just a few seconds in stable flight with plenty of altitude).



I have also reproduced the same problem over the tundra biome around coordinates -80.5 , -44.2.

The biome for my mountain coordinates is classified as "Mountain" but the ground looks like tundra to me. That is the only connection I can see between the two coordinates. I can deploy successfully anywhere else.

Have I found a bug here or is there some game mechanics rule that I don't understand?

Thanks for any advice.

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Are the disappearing parts exploding? There're three reasons that could happen:

1) They're crashing into something - or the game thinks they are. There is a rare bug where the space centre buildings' collision meshes end up in the wrong place, but you would have to be within a few km of the space centre for that to happen. Another rare bug is when a ship is incorrectly flagged as underground, which immediately destroys it, particularly if you quicksave when flying very low then reload the save.

2) Overheating, but you would see little temperature guages warning you first, unless you disabled them (F10) or are using version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1

3) Extreme aerodynamic stress if you pull an incredibly tight turn (highly unlikely).

The plane disappearing could be due to the physics load distance. If a vessel goes beyond the physics load distance (22.5 km from the active vessel in the current version, or 2.5 km prior to 1.0) while in dense atmopshere, it will be deleted. But that's unlikely after just a few seconds. Are you using any weapons mods or anything else which alters the physics load distance? unmodded - disregard.

Edited by TheMoonRover
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You might have found the kermuda triangle.

That vessel is awesome, and it should be named "The Punisher". Riding in between the four jet engines, disregarding safety, so very kerbal. Do you even turn off the jets before dropping the payload?

As mentioned by TheMoonRover the game mechanic of the physics load distance is 22.5 km and as long as your vessel remains within that bubble everything should be fine.

Press F3 and it will show the flight log and might reveal what is happening.

BTW welcome to KSP and the forums.

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