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Please help my whole space team

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Thanks for all the help and advice guys.... I did it!! Rescued the whole team and the experiment.. I'm emotional!! Not only did I get my whole crew back in 1 piece - but a bunch of experience and 2.2Mil for the experiment!!!!!

Used what I had left of the Mono Prop in the main ship to bring my Peri back to 71K so was in stable orbit at 71K (peri) and 600K (apo)

Sent the Klaw Rescue Mission - it was as basic klaw as I could make; equipped with 8 Airbrakes and 8 drone chutes - Rendezvoused with the stricken ship attached to the back of the stricken ship. Used the remaining fuel in the rescue ship to bring the peri down to 32K. Deployed the Airbrakes and pointed retrograde and she came in nice - lost the photovoltaic and batteries on re-entry but that was it!! deployed the Drone Chutes as soon as they were 'risky' which was about 8K. That slowed me to well under 250M/S with about 4K to spare. Undocked the Klaw and deployed all 16 chutes on the main ship. Still only slowed to 7M/S was worried I was going to have some explosions when I hit the sea!!

YES YES YES!!! I can go to bed tonight and sleep easy :)

ajburges - I was trying to do photos but I am not sure what the print screen key is - and I don't have a hosting website to upload them to.....

Setting thread to answered - but thanks again guys... it's been a journey :)

Edited by Pinchy
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