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Transfering Science Between Spacecraft

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If I build a specialized Mun Lander that lands on Mun, takes a bunch of science data (science junior, goo, surface samples, etc) and then attaches to a command pod in orbit, is there a way to transfer the science to the command pod and discard the lander and all of its equipment? I am wondering if trying to do a Mun mission Apollo style is even worth it.

Thanks for the help.

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Yes, if it is manned. You can take a Kerbal out on EVA, right click the lander can's hatch and choose take data (or do the same for each experiment if you haven't already). Then just carry it over to the new pod.

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Sounds good. Although if I have to do it for each experiment (such a thermometer, barometer, goo pod, etc.) this process is going to be rather tedious. It may be best just to send the whole craft back to Kerbin.

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Sounds good. Although if I have to do it for each experiment (such a thermometer, barometer, goo pod, etc.) this process is going to be rather tedious. It may be best just to send the whole craft back to Kerbin.

You don't have to do it for each experiment. Indeed, you can't. When you click on the pod the option presented is to take all the data currently in the pod. There is no way to just take individual items. Similar, having taken the data, when you click on a pod the option is to store the data, meaning all of it that the Kerbal is carrying.

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Erm no, you do have to click through each science device / experiment separately to get the science out of them, everything gets moved in one go only when using a kerbal to retrieve from or put them in a pod.

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Yes, if it is manned. You can take a Kerbal out on EVA, right click the lander can's hatch and choose take data (or do the same for each experiment if you haven't already). Then just carry it over to the new pod.

Also, and this looks like an exploit even though it's not, this allows you to do multiple in-capsule crew reports by doing a crew report, EVAing, right clicking on the capulse, collecting the crew report, and then storing it again - turn the experiment result into scientific data - freeing the capsule up for more crew reports.


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I do think the devs need to sort the science experiment transfer out. While the real Apollo crew had to do the transfer manually from LEM to CSM it is a little tedious in game. The same with having to reset the materials bay & mystery goo by EVA'ing a scientist.

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To be honest, I don't mind the having to go and collect the results myself aspect - but what'd really bugging me is not being able to selectively choose which sets of experimental data to collect and store in my Kerbal/Capsule - I've tons of science (over 40 sets of data) stuck in my orbital labs which I want to return to Kerbin, but can't because of one big one which will require 180 data storage points on the lab. I'd love to be able to pick out that one specifically to move it elsewhere so I can grab the rest and bring it home. Science awaits!


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Also, and this looks like an exploit even though it's not, this allows you to do multiple in-capsule crew reports by doing a crew report, EVAing, right clicking on the capulse, collecting the crew report, and then storing it again - turn the experiment result into scientific data - freeing the capsule up for more crew reports.


You can also hang on a ladder outside the capsule as you fly in a low orbit, and perform multiple EVA reports above different biomes, storing each report before making another.

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Use a command pod on your lander. Single scientist kerbal. Visit a biome. Research all, store in pod, resets experiments. Move on to the next biome and repeat. when going out of fuel go back to main ship, move all experiments, dump lander, return home. You can store any number of experiments from different biomes in a single command pod.

and to expand on the idea:

- take a probe core for SAS stability;

- take an ISRU and ore tank, refuel as you hop into each biome;

- or make it a rover if you dont have an ISRU. will take a long time to visit all biomes though;

- take an engineer too, to fix wheels or landing legs;

- bind a custom action group to research everything at the same time;

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To also expand on X-SR71's advice, take a research lab out with you - it'll hugely expand the returns from science, but at the cost of time, and gives you opportunity to get practise rendezvous and docking, as well as planning for bigger, longer multi-ship missions to other systems.


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If you have a lander pod, return pod and MPL you can

Take all the data out of the MPL

Place all unique reports in the lander pod

This will leave duplicates in the kerbals "hands"

Put these in the return pod

Move everything else back to the MPL

But to be honest by the time the MPL creates any significant science you should have the tree cleared anyways. I have 4 MPLs Kerbin Mun x2 and Minimus I have only gotten 200 science and I am only 4000 away from finishing the tree. My expedition to Duna should clear 20k if I ever manage to get around to doing it.

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