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How does one get the patches?

I thought the launcher handled the patching, but now I see that my game is still on 1.02, and there have been 1.03 and 1.04 patches. I noticed this because a MOD checked for an update and I got a message that it was for 1.04 and not the version I have...

The release mentioned the patch being "on the website", yet I do not see it!

Help me, Jebi-wan, you are my only hope!


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Log in to the account that you made when you originally bought the game. Then go to the store. The download should be there.

Thank you!

I bought the game before it was on Steam.

So, if I run the installer, it will not wreck my current installation, and saves, etc?

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The installer shouldn't touch anything in the Saves folder (i.e. your saved games and ships), or in folders under Gamedata other than those published by SQUAD (i.e. any mods you have installed. So you should be able to run the installer and go on playing where you left off.

That said, I strongly recommend taking a backup of the above locations, just in case.

Also, if you have modified any .cfg files for stock parts, contracts, physics, etc., those changes will be overwritten, and you will have to redo them to restore your custom settings.

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Look at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111114-A-Complete-Beginner-s-Guide-Induction-To-Construction

It covers installation, updating, file locations for mods, etc. Although written for 0.90 that side of things is all still relevant. Later information about construction and flight is not (because of part and atmosphere changes)

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...I strongly recommend taking a backup of the above locations, just in case...

I strongly recommend backing up the entire KSP directory before upgrading, if only to have a point of reference for restoring any customisations or mods that got borked.

It's also an escape hatch in case the new version has grave bugs... *cough*mystery overheating*cough*.

- - - Updated - - -

The patcher hasn't worked for many versions.

This should have been fixed ages ago, rsync is not that complicated. Not impressed, Squad.

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