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VAB broken after installment of mods

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I since 1.0 am a user of mods for KSP, however I have an issue. I tried to install some mods on the 1.0.4 version of KSP, and when I went to the VAB to check out my new parts, it was broken. Scince I had this issue with an earlier version of KSP, I was pretty pissed.

So the problem:

step 1: install some mods

open KSP, open a world go to VAB, check out parts, go out of VAB and world and shut down the game.

add another mod (or change, I got the problem to when I was deleting parts from MRS once)

step 2: do this several times

then somewhere in this cycle th VAB would become unplayable. N o parts would be shown, texts were written through each other and the flag menu was blurred.

The only thing you can then do is exit the VAB.

The sad thing is that deleting the mod does not help. Going with a complete vanilla game would still have this broken VAB thing.

I would need to reinstall KSP to actually get it working again. (luckily I didn't do anything before this happened)

Does anyone know whats happening here, and how to fix it.

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Not without more information, no.

If it remains broken after "deleting the mod" (which one?) then I suspect something is corrupting the save file. But without logs, that's just a guess.

- - - Updated - - -

If you want help with this, I'd suggest better reproduction steps too - exact mods involved, with versions etc. "install some mods" is about as vague as it gets.

What's happening here, most likely, is that your "steps" - deleting parts / adding and removing random mods, repeat - are just about guaranteed to cause problems.

Edited by steve_v
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I've been experiencing a similar problem.

All the subset icons on the very left of the VAB parts menu vanish. I can't then select a part type because the icon isn't there. just a vertiacl grey bare, where they used to be.

Leaving the VAB and returning makes them return to a usable state.

My most recent mods since this first began are ; Enhanced Navball ; Smart Parts ; and the Near Future parts.


Edited by Daveroski
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No logs, no complete mod list == no clue.

Seriously, the logs are the first place to look. You could even try looking yourself, it might be quite obvious which mod is freaking out.

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