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WW2 BAD-T - World War 2 BDArmory AI Dogfight Tournament [FINISHED]

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Do you have pictures of the craft in the SPH with the FAR information screens open and pictures of the craft on the runway at take off from the side. I think you may have a problem where FAR isn't registering some parts and thus not creating lift. I have seen this before with some installs if it isnt installed correctly or there was an error in the install.

Hodo, the planes in question are from my pack in my sig, just with some modifications made so they should work for this comp and and with FAR. The chaanges made have been to the engines to make them regulation, and severly reducing weight with the wings, and assigning proper controls again because FAR defaults to the, every control surface does everything thing, that i quite personally hate and takes time to reset(By the time i have forgotten a few). Also FAR should register wings made out of lots of small parts right?

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Do the proc wings give better left than wings made of stock parts? Because a fair few of the pics provided have had proc wings in them.

No, FAR uses their parameters just like it does with stock wings.

And yes FAR accepts a big wing made out of small pieces.

The main difference is that Pwings are a lot more convenient, easier to tweak, look better and can have many more different shapes without clipping them too much.

Your stock airplanes probably don't fly on FAR because you used the wrong principles to build them.

"The great rule of thumb" here is placing the main wings so that their lift is aligned with the center of mass, then add the tailplane and ensure stability.

After that just fly it and tweak stuff until it's right.

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Ok, but at the moment with FAR i only get one or two reloads before my game crashes, and i have deleted most of the mods (I copied my directory somewhere else then added FAR to the copy). But i have only ever had this happen with FAR. But if i can get the game to run for long enough i might have a biplane.

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Ok, but at the moment with FAR i only get one or two reloads before my game crashes, and i have deleted most of the mods (I copied my directory somewhere else then added FAR to the copy). But i have only ever had this happen with FAR. But if i can get the game to run for long enough i might have a biplane.

I recommend you to make a new KSP install with only the mods required for this challenge, this way you don't get lost with a lot of parts nor other stuff.

How much RAM do you have? And how many mods?

If you continue having issues with FAR I will need you to pm me with all the info you can get.

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Ok new biplane, and FAR thinks it doesn't have a wing..........With the pod removed (So it launches with a Kerbal) the CoG and CoL are both on about the center of the bottom wing.

- - - Updated - - -

I'll upload it on KerbalX as soon as it decides to work. (Game wise i'm not having a good week)

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How's the weapon balancing going? From my testing the 50 cal and MauserMG151 20mm could have an increase in damage. I've had a few 3 ship on 3 ship fights that have dragged on till both sides ran out of ammo using these weapons.

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How's the weapon balancing going? From my testing the 50 cal and MauserMG151 20mm could have an increase in damage. I've had a few 3 ship on 3 ship fights that have dragged on till both sides ran out of ammo using these weapons.

Going well, I am almost done with the 7mm weapons.

What holds me back is that every gun is set up differently and have differently things missing, etc. but I hope to have a new version of the pack tomorrow.

And yes, all of them will have increased damage, it's much needed.

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Been experimenting with some designs, and it seems really easy to adapt single engine D-25 aircraft to 2-engine sports without adding another fuselage. Giving the 2x sports a significant thrust to weight and fuel advantage (which really lets you skimp on the fuel compared to the radial engine). I'll hold off on submitting a design for now. If the current engine stats for monoplanes stand, I'll be using the 2x aerosport setup.

Current experiments in low speed turn rate are promising though. 83B5A43BF53EE12611FBA4B08B345D231A803107

Also, do all-moving control surfaces count as space age tech? I know elevators are more fitting to the era. But I find the all-moving surfaces easier to work with in a lot of cases.

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Also, do all-moving control surfaces count as space age tech? I know elevators are more fitting to the era. But I find the all-moving surfaces easier to work with in a lot of cases.

Eh, didn't think about that.

Thinking better, it should not be, but I guess that as long as you don't abuse it it's fine :)

Btw, remember that the AI does not know what FAR is and will not retract flaps.

And on FAR the flaps start deployed on takeoff mode.

The D-25 is more suitable for energy fighting, the aerosports have a high low speed thrust but you can barely retain energy on a dive.

Now the D-25 allows you for turning tight without losing much, so I guess I will go for it.

The turboprop is for some ultimate diving, on my tests it could retain more than 850km/h when going on a straight line after a shallow dive.

But it takes a while to gain speed, if you are not careful you can die even before you climb considerably.

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The flaps are set as AoA dependent only and deploy to a maximum of about 5-7 degrees in hard turns. They're not set as "flaps" and don't seem to cause the AI any issue in the tests I've run so far, not sure if I'll keep them though.

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Weapons pack updated!!!!

All Biplane and Piston Monoplane guns were added.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/f6786txy69zaj1w/BADTWeaponsPack.zip?dl=1 (the link is the same)

Have fun!

Now I am making a score system, bear in mind that the AI can only use one type of weapon at a time, if you want it to switch weapons you need to limit the ammo available for the other one.

I will request BahamutoD to take a look on this so that you can set different ranges for different weapons, it already does this between turrets and missiles, I just need to figure out how to do this for these weapons too.

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Thanks for getting the guns out. One small thing Ive noticed is that the Hispanio is over weight in comparison to the other guns (0.5 whereas the others are about 0.01).

Thanks for pointing that out!

The pack was fixed now :)

I played a lot with these guns and they are very well balanced IMO.

If anyone has any balancing suggestions please tell me.

I don't have enough airplanes for test runs so I just made them with my own.

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Here's my submission for the tournament, my take on the North American F-82 Twin Mustang!




EDIT: Updated the image and DL, made a few changes to the craft to fit the rules (Once again to fix the guns ^-^)


x3 M2 Browning (2400 Rounds)

x2 A7 AeroSport Engines

Max Speed: About 150m/s level flight

Average altitude of 1.3km

Minimum altitude of 150m

Also, I Found an error in the weapons pack, While i was playing around with the other weapons, the Breda-SAFAT turns into an M3 Browning on craft launch.

(Hopefully the last) EDIT:

The craft seems to stall a little bit, cant find the source of it, but it flies. I Also moved the wings backwards a wee bit aswell.

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Thanks for getting the guns out. One small thing Ive noticed is that the Hispanio is over weight in comparison to the other guns (0.5 whereas the others are about 0.01).

Ah, yes, you can blame me for that one. When i made it i just threw in some figues as i made it, and for me it seemed ok (I have planes with four of those suckers in the nose). Like the firing sound though? (Assuming nothing much has changed)

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Here's my submission for the tournament, my take on the North American F-82 Twin Mustang!



Hey, I think you should be using aerosports there, they look like turboprops.

Airplane looks good, I am yet setting up the weapons punctuation system but I need to sort something out first...

Btw, that link is not just the image, you want to use this one: http://i.gyazo.com/4a8c9d0fec23152b6cc348da34a5f5b9.jpg

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Ok I feel it necessary, for the sake of competition, that I upload an updated version of my target practice mono prop plane. The StarlingR http://kerbalx.com/Kunighit/StarlingR-6B.

I built this plane to perform well at the pervious 50.5% thrust limit. Now that the Radial engine limit is set to 80% this thing is a beast in the hands of the AI. I have the steering limit kind a low, but it can still pull sustained 8G turns. I sure if can do more if tweaked a bit.

Please use this plane to test and improve your own fighter designs.


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Weapons added and weapons pack updated!

Time to gear our babies to the teeth.

I had to remove the 7mm turret, I will talk to Baha to see if he can do anything about it.

Nobody going for biplanes? I guess I am going to win alone and pull it to the piston monoplanes category, which will be shameful, lol.

I mean, it got smashed like a bug when I tried to put it against my test plane.

By the way, biplanes are so slow I think it would be even possible to fight with it on multiplayer using that BDA DMP patch, if anyone is interested please tell me, I have a server.

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I think erasmusguy and Tuke will be flying against you. They submitted pretty good biplanes.

- - - Updated - - -

@Jakokidda123 Nice looking plane. Nice to see a fellow fan of unorthodox piston plane designs.

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@Jakokidda123: Yeah, you need to rebalance those weapons, check out the updated OP to know how many you can use.

@Kunighit: Oh, great, I missed them then, will sweep the thread after airplanes and test them out this week, I will also see if I can use Kerbal Konstructs to make a custom battlefield.

But that is minor, I only need to finish up what's left and release the challenge!

My tests with missiles failed, when I modify them to have none or very little turn rates and make them smaller the AI refuses to use them.

And after some time they overheat and explode for no reason.

Same for rocket pods, the AI does not use them.

BUT I think I have a solution, I think that I can make a gun work like a rocket launcher, I just need the right parameters.

The problem that it does not use more than one weapon would not be an issue because the rocket is fired only once.

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I'm re-installing FAR (again) and i will see if i don't end up bashing my head against a wall. Also tetryds i updated all the weapon weights in my pack if you want to take a look.

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According to FAR my biplane has no lift or working controls.

Edit: Just to see if it was a TWR issue i increased the thrust to full, just made it crash faster. And i had the FAR flight data panel open and the stock aerodynamics overlay on, none of the parts were generating any lift whatsoever.

Edit2: In stock aerodynamics with full throttle my biplane flies about 30km/h faster than the RL Sopwith Camel, and i think i could safely reduce it a bit. Apparently FAR hates me :(

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