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My vehicle dug into the surface and now is violently ejected.


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I made a save with my munar train starting to climb an incline. The flexibility of the joints had it bend along the surface as it did, end still on the "flat", front already climbing.

Now as I load the save, the front is flush with the incline as it did, but the train is straight, and as result the last car is dug deep into the ground so far that only its upper surface sticks out. And as soon as local physics bubble kicks in, it's violently ejected, exploding and launching the rest of the train far up.

What must I change in the save to move it some 3 meters upwards, or what else can I do to save the kerbals on board? (including the one in the car that's dug up, and explodes almost immediately after physics kicks in).

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Best you can do is, as gamebreaking as it might be.. you might want to disable gravity via the debug menu.. it MIGHT halt your train from exploding.. ive had quite alot of experience with the same thing in my kerbinside trains.. the general rule seems to be with trains never save on an incline.. including switching vessels if its possible..

trains..are an odd thing to edit with the persistance file too because there made up of so many parts.. Hyperedit MIGHT be able to do it.. its a very useful mod for alot of things.. trains seem to float down from 50 metres without damage.. ive teleported entire trains before harmlessly.. make a copy of your save though if you can at all. back it up somewhere else so if your efforts fail using one attempt youve always got the original there to try again

loading the game again MIGHT fix it as sometimes ive had a diesel or some tankers buried in a hill but within 2 seconds its reset once the game fully loaded and settled down.. nothing exploded.. another idea (using the backup save) would be to possibly use something else to drive nearby into physics range to see if the reset of physics brings her out of the dirt

lastly (an edit to the post I just remembered)

Ive not had a train do this for over a year despite being in some terrible situations and terrain styles..

the difference is ive not used that ring shaped tiny fuel tank as a buffer between couplings (docking ports)

ive got hundreds of kilometres logged on some trains. save, resave.. quicksave etc.. but none has ended up like they used too.. similar to your above situation..

(also.. I wonder if changing physics settings per frame in the title menu might change how violently things are ejected?)

might not help but thought its worth a mention

Goodluck, I wish you well

Edited by Overland
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Thank you! I completely forgot about the debug menu. Actually, "no crash damage" and "unbreakable joints" helped more than gravity hack - the train got ejected the same but it survived mostly intact - the engineer just had a lot of work fixing busted wheelsl

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If you see nothing else to do and absolutely, positively want that mission to continue, then go for the debug menu. I had the worst rescue mission on the Mun where the marooned kerbal's pod (Hitchhiker) just up and exploded as I got close with Jeb, requiring a very, very, very long hike back to the landing site with Jeb as the marooned kerbal was able to EVA back. After all that, there was not enough fuel in the lander to make orbit which would make a follow-up pickup mission much easier. After a few attempts I just decided to debug infinite fuel and bring them home. Pro-tip: Infinite fuel requires fuel to be present for it to work.

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