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"Munar" Reconnaissance Orbiter starts its mission!

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I have a lunar probe called Surveyor on the far side of the Mun that is taking all sorts of pictures and gathering data on the far side of the highlands regions. Because it is on the far side, it had no way to relay the data to Kerbin. I decided to launch a satellite into orbit around the Mun. It orbits at 30KM. As the craft swings around the far side (as it is about to), it will send a signal for the probe to beam its data to the satellite. As MRO crosses into the near side, it will then send the info to Kerbin.

Here is a photo of the Munar Recon Orbiter as it is about to go into the darkness above the Mun.



Surveyor Probe sees the indicator that MRO has passed above! (Terrain allows me to view this from below. LOL)


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