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Saterlite and Lander together???

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i believe satelites have some requirements, say it has antena, probe core, ect ect ect, so if your "lander" satisfies these requirements and is placed in the right orbit, you should get that contract and then you are able to do whatever you want with teh satelite after, including land it on the mun if it has the fuel. When i messed in career mode in 0.90 days (where these missions did actually exist btw), i often deployed a satelite alongside anoher mission, although my satelites were just decoupled from the main ship that launched 2 or more satelites as well as the usual land somewhere mission. Always liked to kill multiple birds with one stone, so many of my mission oriented games were done that way, large rocket, bringing a plethora or smaller stuff to the destination.

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i build a probe as saterlite and attached down a cokpit. If the cokpit has no astonauts the saterlite contract is active but if astronauts are onboard then the contract is off. Any ideas? i tried root ...

Fly it into the right orbit and have the kerbals step outside for a minute while the contract completes. You can then bring them back in and do other things with the ship.

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