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North Pole vs. South Pole Ice Core Data?


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They might be treated the same bar the ages. Also, you don't take sea ice cores, which mean north ones are actually greenland than north pole.

It is my understanding that those graphs are only VOSTOK which is antarctic. Greenland cores would be fine too. I'm mostly interested to see if northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere warm up and cool down in phase or out of phase. If it is in phase, then TSI or greenhouse effect could be the cause (but not Milankovich cycles); If it is out of phase, than Milankovich cycles can be the cause (but not TSI or greenhouse).

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I found one here, including some temperate region glaciers: http://www.climatedata.info/Proxy/Proxy/icecores.html

Mind that, whatever the reason were, it's quite hot nowadays :wink:

Raw data should be available also, probably at NOAA or so.



It's a bit hard to tell if they are in sync or not. Certainly, overall, it seems like they warm in sync, but there is a lot of noise in the data.

Maybe the northern data is tainted... or maybe its natural that the northern data varies by more, since it is surrounded by land, which has lower heat capacity.

Edited by arkie87
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Maybe the northern data is tainted... or maybe its natural that the northern data varies by more, since it is surrounded by land, which has lower heat capacity.

In terms of weather/climate - there's a barrier of sorts of ocean currents and atmospheric flow between Antarctica and the rest of the world, Antarctica is also (on average) at a higher elevation that the Arctic, and the Earth is at aphelion in July (Antarctic winter), and the Earth is at perihelion in January Antarctic summer). All these things make it difficult to compare the two (Arctic and Antarctic) directly.

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Antarctica is also (on average) at a higher elevation that the Arctic,

Because Greenland is further south than the VOSTOK location?

and the Earth is at aphelion in July (Antarctic winter), and the Earth is at perihelion in January Antarctic summer).

This is just due to MilanKovitch cycles, no? i.e. it can be accounted for...

All these things make it difficult to compare the two (Arctic and Antarctic) directly.

The second two examples can be accounted for, since those effects have been/can be easily quantified.

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Vostok are those of the antarctic, greenland is, uh, greenland... Nothing to do with latitude but perhaps something to be done with altitude (yeah, antarctica is as mountainous as you can think)

For milankovitch cycles, you might want to look at the timescale for Vostok vs. Milankovich and/or EPICA vs. Milankovich. Notice that they're in hundred thousands of years while Greenland goes back to only few tens of thousands.

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Vostok are those of the antarctic, greenland is, uh, greenland... Nothing to do with latitude but perhaps something to be done with altitude (yeah, antarctica is as mountainous as you can think)

oops... i misread. Altitude not latitude...

For milankovitch cycles, you might want to look at the timescale for Vostok vs. Milankovich and/or EPICA vs. Milankovich. Notice that they're in hundred thousands of years while Greenland goes back to only few tens of thousands.

Yeah, that's probably why you only see antarctica data, since it goes back much longer.

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