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Mün landing troubles

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I\'ve practiced the Mün landing a bunch and I always land but not exactly in the condition I prefer.


Now, this may look just fine but, I\'M MISSING A LANDER LEG. I land on the Mün at a painstakingly low speed of around 5m/s more or less.

Why does this keep happening to me?

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Assuming togfox is wrong, accidental realism from landing on rough terrain?

The initial design had three landing legs. As any particular leg would have to carry the weight of the vehicle if it lands at any significant angle, three legs was the lightest configuration. However, it would be the least stable if one of the legs were damaged during landing. The next landing gear design iteration had five legs and was the most stable configuration for landing on an unknown terrain. That configuration, however, was too heavy and the designers compromised on four landing legs.[7]

edit: in more detail, that\'s a somewhat heavy lander (~11.2 as shown), and the landing leg attachments aren\'t very strong. Using extra legs is often in order.

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I land at 2 m/s with auto-pilot. I assume there is no sideways movement as well?

Do your legs get caught on other parts of your craft as you low them? On a simple design I suspect not.

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I try as hard as I can to get the retroburn X icon to the top of the navball and eliminate any horizontal forces but still I lose at least one leg.

Also, Umbral, 4 legs didn\'t exactly work for me ::)

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Losing a lander leg isn\'t the worst thing in the world. Coming down on anything other than even terrain is going to put all the weight on relatively few legs anyway, unless you change descent angle and keep lateral velocity zero through extremely tricky RCS burns.

That said, it may behoove you to land with less fuel, thereby reducing the lander mass and therefore the force the legs have to brake against.

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Makes me wonder though why the stock lander legs are so flimsy that they can\'t really support all but the smallest lander craft, and why they are so short that the engine is likely to impact on the surface unless touchdown speed is very low. (Same with the stock landing gear: not really suited for larger aircraft)

I\'ve had at least one successfully landed craft explode upon disengaging timewarp, due to it standing on a slope so that the lander legs (6 of \'m) kept jiggling about. Supposedly the 'landed craft exploding' bug was fixed in 0.14x.

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I\'ve been having similar issues with .15.

In the previous version I almost never had a problem with manual Mun landings, it was actually a lot of fun once I\'d done it a few times. I might lose a leg if I came down a bit hard or on a slope, but that was rare. The difficulty was just right to keep it fun without being ridiculously hard.

In .15 with the exact same lander (ASAS + FL-T500 + LV909 + 8 legs) I almost always seem to crash. It\'s weird, I touch down and in a fraction of a second the whole thing flips over and explodes. I tried a larger lander very similar to the one Fifflethecat posted (with more legs). It seems to help mitigate the bounce-flip-die problem, but I still lost a couple legs.

I\'ve also noticed a lot of \'breaks\' in the Mun\'s terrain tiles, but I honestly can\'t recall if that was also common in the previous version. The Mun also looks dark and ugly now.

Sorry for sounding cranky. :)

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I look at this, and I don\'t see the problem. You landed on the Mun with the ability to return. I would call that a success.

However, considering the size of your lander, I would recommend an extra set of legs. That should balance out the shock of landing and avoid any snapping off. Otherwise you seem to have that landing down pat.

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I have successfully landed.

Everybody, meet Lander I.

I had a little trouble finding what altitude the ground was. If I would have had an idea of the altitude the ground was at I would have resulted in much more fuel.

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I have successfully landed.

Everybody, meet Lander I.

I had a little trouble finding what altitude the ground was. If I would have had an idea of the altitude the ground was at I would have resulted in much more fuel.

Aww, isn\'t it cute? I want to call him Squishy and he shall be my Squishy.

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