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Is there a way I can remove a maneuver node from a craft's trajectory without switching to it?

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Long story short, I have a bug where KSP is having trouble drawing a maneuver node for a craft and it glitches out when I switch to it. The screen goes black in normal flight mode, and the map mode is also pitch black but it lags a lot too. If I go back to the space centre, it's gone and all I can see is the skybox. I've seen this glitch before but this is a rather unique instance of it.

I know the issue is KSP not being able to recreate a maneuver node I set up years ago because I keep getting null reference exceptions in the tracking station when I click on the craft in question, and when I look at the output log, it says it can't create the maneuver node.

I know I can fix it if I remove the maneuver node because that's what's causing this whole ordeal, but I have no idea how to remove it without switching to it first - I can't switch to it first because when I switch to it, the game goes weird with the black screen and everything.

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The maneuver nodes should be somewhere in the save file. Since i have no real clue which entry are the relevant ones, i'd start a new game, put up 2 ships, one with node set, one without, save and then look into that save file to see the difference and then edit the 'real' save accordingly.

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The maneuver nodes should be somewhere in the save file. Since i have no real clue which entry are the relevant ones, i'd start a new game, put up 2 ships, one with node set, one without, save and then look into that save file to see the difference and then edit the 'real' save accordingly.

Good idea! :D I'll give that a shot.

EDIT: Manually removing the maneuver node did nothing, and I've found out the glitch has spread to all of my other save files. Completely separate save files!

I think I'll need to get a fresh install, I have no idea what's causing this. I'll keep the thread open as I'll keep a backup of this install, in case someone has an answer to it.

Edited by yorshee
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