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[MOD] Kerbal Dynamics ASAT

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This is a part design challenge, part remote piloting.


- Launch a small drone satellite into a 75kmx75km equatorial orbit.

- Develop and demonstrate a pilotless ballistic missile system to intercept and destroy the drone.


- Drone satellite must consist of a core, an antenna, and power generation/storage, eg a solar array and battery and/or RTG. MINIMUM size of the drone should be (excluding engine) 1m highx1m width/depth. The Stayputnik core may not be suitable as once it runs out of power it's dead.

- Missile must launch from the KSC vertical launch pad.

- Use of MechJeb for terminal guidance recommended.

- Missile should be out of propellant by the time it leaves the atmosphere. RCS system may be used for attitude and minor course corrections during ballistic phase.

- Mission success or failure is a binary condition. ANY structural damage caused to the drone by the missile counts as a kill.

Challenger's note: I actually did this accidentally while launching a survey satellite, I intended to place it in a low orbit but ended up running out of fuel following a pitiful boost burn, going ballistic and crossing the path of one of my anchorages - plowing right through the centre of an OKEB-500 solar blanket and kicking the anchorage into an atmosphere-skimming death orbit.

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