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Technical Help - Air Curve


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First off: I am computer literate. I can make simple programs.

Now, I liked 0.90. I hated 1.anything.

I want to make it as Beta/Alpha like as possible.

But atmosphere curve, since I am not a squad dev, I have no idea how it works.

This is an actual snippet from the Ion Engine CFG. (Not sure it's the right acronym):



key = 0 4200 [Probably Isp]

key = 1 100 [Percentage engine power in space?]

key = 1.2 0.001 [Percentage engine power at sea lvl?]

Now, I have this idea. But I'm not sure, and don't want to risk Ion engine in space too.

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The keys are simply points on the imaginary graph that the line must cross at a given X value, X representing atmospheric pressure.

At 0 atmospheres (space), the Isp is 4200;

At 1 atmosphere (Kerbin sea level), the Isp is 100;

At 1.2 atmospheres (something one may encounter on Eve or Jool), the Isp is 0.001.

Presumably the curve continues past this point, so on the surface of Eve the ion engine will have an Isp extremely close to zero, or if not, it'll at least be useless at 0.001.

The curve determined by this set of keys, coupled with KSP 1.0's behavior of making fuel consumption constant, is the reason that vacuum engines are weak on the ground and hardly anything works at all on Eve.

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