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Docking/Undocking bugs

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Hello all!

I have a space station. Everything worked fine until I rearranged some modules. Now undocking or decouple doesn't work anymore and when I click the buttons, some exceptions are thrown ([Exception]: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.).

I rearranged it with a little helper craft with a docking port and a claw. I guess somehow it has something to do with the claw.

I've already spent some hours trying to fix the problem the way it's done in these threads, but nothing works:






Savegame where undocking still works:



Savegame where all ports stopped working, after I released the claw and docked to a different port:


These two savefiles are almost identical and I've deleted every other craft. I've already compared the two savefiles line by line, but I had no luck fixing the ports.

I've tried to rearrange the modules in a different way and in this savegame some parts even explode after docking:


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