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Give a little, or give a lot....


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So, no one has given me rep for ages... I feel abandoned...

Then again, I haven't been saying much.

hence this thread... its sort of like a ponzi scheme but with ethics....

What you do is, you give rep to the person who posted last.... why? Just for the hell of it, to jump start them, to say they matter... to say you care....

do we need a reason?

What you can do, once you have given rep, is to go through the posts and help out anyone with low or no rep.... again, do you need a reason?

I'll probably give rep to anyone in this thread who is deserving of it.... why? Do I need a reason? hell no!

Seriously.... if you need a reason, give a person some rep and then say why... maybe they feel sad... or excited as they just found this game, or landed on the Mun first time ever....

Lets get repping!!!!


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