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Creating a new building for the KSC

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OK. I know this is probably hard to do, maybe so hard that we can say it's impossible, but I'll try to get an answer anyway.

What I want to do is to add a new building in the Space center that can be clicked.

I just want a GUI to be opened when the building is clicked - something like the launch pad UI, that can be created using GUI class that we all know about.

Basically use a model in the same .MU part format.

Is that possible ?

Can I hope having this in my mod one day ?

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I don't believe the stock code that makes this happen is accessible.

That being said, you might be able to rig something to make this Kerbal Konstructs allows the placing new static instances. If you could write some code to detect clicks on these instances in the space center scene, you could use that to open a UI.

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I'm pretty sure this could be accomplished with a Kerbal Konstructs building, and a MonoBehaviour that extends the SpaceCenterBuilding class that gets added to the building's GameObject during the space center scene. You'd probably have to instantiate a new ScreenSafeGUIText for it's buildingInfoText field though.

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