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The Bomber Hangar!

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This is probably my last weekday post. Better make it good!

These are very bomber I have made in KSP.


First up, everyones favorite, B-17!!


This is one speedy bomber despite the fact that it is a heavy bomber! The ball turret has a nice view of the bomb bays.

Crew:11 2 pilots, 7 gunners, 1 bomber

Next the one rivaling the B-17, The B-24!


This is quite loyal to it's prop counterpart. If jets were made first, I'm pretty sure this is how it would preform.

Crew: 8 2 pilots, 2 engineers, 3 gunners, 1 bomber

This one never saw combat but is very cool, rivaling the B-17 in "coolness" the Flying Wing Bomber!


Kinda hard to control but still extremely cool.

Crew: 2 1 pilot, 1 gunner

Next, the ultimate WW2 bomber (besides the peacemaker) the B-29!



The best modern bomber (besides maybe the B-2) the B-52!


This thing moves like it wants to be a fighter. It ALSO is used to drop my second mobile station (the debris in the backround).

Edited by Spacetraindriver
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