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WWII Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber

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The rebuild is done!

Update Changelog:

-(Mostly) removed yawing issue - Still, be on the lookout for it's direction!

-Changed Cupola to Mk1 Cockpit - Better view

-Rebuilt from scratch - B-17's slightly longer but still looks the same

-Bombs reverted to Oscar-Bs - More powerful, apparently

Well, that's all. Happy bombing operations!

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Well, from here, I think I'll stop development. This aircraft has run into so many issues that I think interfering with it is what I'd call setting myself up for disaster, and again, if there are issues that anyone runs into while flying it, I'll diagnose it, recreate it, and perhaps trace the cause.

Once again, Happy bombing raids!

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Are you planning on making a pack of World War bombers?

That was my plan, but, as said a few pages back, I had no idea that the Component Space Shuttle mod had KJR included, and for.. weeks, I've been building things around it, including my other to-be-released bombers.

There was a point where I noticed something odd - I was testing a Boeing 747, and decided to push it to the limits, of timewarp. It survived, even at 4x, and I started to realize that the only way this was possible was that I either built it really well (HAHAHAHA, ME, WELL-BUILT, WHAT A JOKE ;_; ) or KJR.

I uninstalled it, and tested my ships. The B-17 had wing flex farther than I'd expect (It's not an airliner, for God's sake!), a wobbling joint between cargo bay and monopropellant tank (which was dead weight to lengthen the aircraft and fit the wall gunners and ball turret) and much, much more maeuverable to breaking on landing. And I thought that my piloting skills have finally had some decency in them..

As for the other bombers, the B-29 survived, but the De Havilland Mosquito, next in the line, had the accursed predicament of #LOLENGINESTOWED (i need to redo that ugly engine) and the Lancaster just barely.

Also, that Lancaster has.. problems. It flies okay (not really remarkable) but the problem was.. crew.

When the aircraft is immediately loaded and set off to fly, the cockpit that KSP fills in with is.. the rear gunner. The worst place to ever control a bomber from.

And also, if I were to develop the legendary British bomber, I had to replicate at least some of the most well known bomb loads. The B-17 was easy, the standard firebombs. IIRC, it wasn't fitted with anything special, other than remote-controlled bombs and such. The B-29? Firebombs and either Little Boy or Fat Man, I chose the former. The Lancaster.. there are at least three. The Cookie Blockbuster, the Grand Slam, and the Dambuster. The Cookie is easy, load the Lanc with similar loads to the B-29 or B-17. Grand Slams are pretty straightforward too. But the Dambuster bomb.. Water physics are crappy, the thing can't just fall and survive, and even if it did, it would just stay there, a hunk of useless Scheisse that is not lethal in any way. I need at least two British bombers..

Also, do you think you could make a World War I bomber? Like the Gotha or Handley Page 0/400. Hell, I'll give you rep if you can make a Zeppelin!

Good ideas! I've also been considering the Vickers Vimy, and it's certainly possible. Or so I hope. But they seem to share a common shape, so it would most likely be easy when made with a common base.

But a Zeppelin.. I'm not that daring, stop challenging me. :D

In all seriousness, it may be possible, given with Fairings, and wing parts.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Fixed another few issues:

-Aircraft much more maneuverable (*just right*?)

-Aircraft lifts off earlier and now able to automatically lift off

-Fixed unstrutted tail and control inputs on tail being screwed up due to roll control being hooked to tail

And... that's all. It looks mostly the same, albeit easier to handle. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, one more update before I leave this to rot:

New Features:

-Changed Bomb number to 18 instead of 12 (9 instead of 6 stages)

-Redone Cockpit

-Fixed elevator's inner control surface not to function due to being embedded in the fairing

Happy bombings!

Oh, and I forgot to mention: I made a little video of a bombing run. Since there was Chatterer in the background, I had to add in subtitles. It's not good at all (Hell, the black bars..) but it's the best I could do.

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