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Operation New Beginning (new comic style format)


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[quote name='Ogcorp CEO']Thank you for complementing my ships. I really don't care about the alterations, but if it is not a bother, could you show me the alterations to them, if any? Oh, and the Python class (Which is my first carrier) may have a Mk.2 made Just for AKS HK-200's and, maybe (IF I CAN GET THE BLODDY THING TO NOT CRASH INTO THE GROUND, or water, no offense to your engineering skills) a few HK-201's.

also: AKS can use the Cyclone line, Bladerunner line, and the Arrowspear line (More may be coming :)), B-corp has everything else.

P.S. I know how much lag SUCKS, and how much crashing hurts data, so my opinion, take off EVE.

-Ogcorp CEO :D[/QUOTE]

I can show you any major alterations before launching them, and as for stuff like field mods, those are almost always involving weapons bolted on the wings or similar. Some alliance pilots will modify their craft to their liking, and unlike B-Corp where unofficial modifications are technically illegal, Alliance squadrons can have quite alot of variety even if everyone if flying the same basic model. Right now there are many HK-101 pilots that are running around with 2-4 wing cannons ontop of the default weapons (the HK-101 actually isnt the most popular thing around, and some pilots find 2 internal weapons to be not enough especially when on long term missions), and even a few capital ships have been customized by their captains. So in general, there is not all that much standardization among AKS, and pirates, well, aside from Micro-C fighters which basically every pirate faction has in large numbers, they have 0 standardization whatsoever and pretty much every ship, bomber, and larger fighter is custom made by that pilot. The only think AKS pilots arent allowed to do (officially) is modify the internal structure of ships, fuselage construction, wing layout, that sort of stuff. This is so that the craft can be serviced easily if need be, but bolt on weapons do not count, and assuming they arent built into the ship (and thus impossible to easily remove), AKS does not care, and neither supports nor critisized pilot modification of their craft.

B-Corp pilots very rarely use field mods of any sort as these are illegal, but there have been some extreme cases where even command was lenient on thsi rule. For example the arrow-class fighter fiasco, when initially implemented, the arrow class was armed with HT-400 missiles, which (as you can see in the original series that i gave up on) were completely worthless against even scouts. Basically every pilot modified those missiles to make them more effective, and B-Corp turned a blind eye since they didnt want to have a full scale pilot rebellion on their hands. Afterall, you develop a new fighter, a new weapon, and design that fighter so it cant mount any other weapon, and said weapon ends up being useless in combat. Had pilots actually been court martialed for trying to alter a otherwise useless weapons, you can imagine what sort of issues would happen. Luckily that was fixed with teh HT-500 missile, but even that is subpar compared to AKS drones.

And i think i will remove EVE, and keep it off for the future as i want to be consistent. EVE is an amazing mod, but it doesnt help the already painful situation lag wise. Im currently working side by side on finishing another part of the comic, and making a new battle (sofar ive actually got a few shots with 3 capital ships and 2 fighters per each ship loaded in the same area. Its bad enough without mods :)

Finally, if you are having issues with the HK-201, its prolly cause of 1.0.5. The new heat makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get into orbit fully fueled, and the new HK-101 (which is same fuselage) fixes that issues, but dV goes from above 6000, to ~4500, which is still good, but nolonger capable of going anywhere without refueling where it gets over 7K now.
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[quote name='Ogcorp CEO']can you put the station on page 15 of the comic like format story up for download, because i really need that for a little space thing I'm setting up[/QUOTE]

Uploaded it to the folder on my company page under requests from comic or something of that sort. Its called pilot training center if i recall correctly.

Also, i made a minor update to the comic, expect more by end of today or tomorrow morning if i dont get it done. Also, ive just started work on a major capital ship battle scene, so that should be a nice change of pace from the more peaceful introduction i have sofar (well its not all peaceful, but sofar the into hasnt had a single ship destroyed minus that telescope thing which doesnt really count as a ship that can defend itself). Sofar, my biggest hurdle is lag, im working on methods to minimize part count while still giving ships plenty of ammunition. Im not a fan of 1 shot kills, so very few ships actually have 1.3m weapons (most use railguns or some derivative of railguns, a ibeam and sepatrons). Im gonna hold off that battle scene till i finish developing a new pirate destroyer im working on, which is a little too high on parts atm, so i think ill redo it from scratch, or i wont be able to have 3 vs 3 capital ship battle. With most ships ~200 parts, and 1 per side at 300, and then fighter escorts bombers, ect, its becoming lag hell right now. If i cant find a way to cut part count ill drop this to a 2 vs 3 or 2 vs 2 if its still unbeareable. But im hoping i can find a way to keep the battle 3 vs 3 as its so cool to have multiple ships perform actual maneuvers to try to circle another.

Anyways, im gonna finish work on the remainder of the introduction (as that isnt done yet), then ill redesign some capital ships, and then ill finally start working on the first actual full out battle which will lead into more stuff.

Finally, since i havent started on that yet, anyone who would like to donate a ship that will be seen in this battle has until late saturday/early sunday to do so, after that ill start working on the fight. What i am primarily looking for is a capital ship to be used by pirates. This has to be at a maximum 200 parts (as im doing a 3 on 3 battle and 300 part ships + fighters would be what, over 2000 bloody parts, cant be done), cannot use anything advanced looking (no mk2 hull, no mk3 hull, perhaps some assymetry or uneven armor layout), cannot use advanced engines (stick to the early engines like reliant, swivel, and the rocketmax engines like poodle, skipper, perhaps radial engines like mk-55 as well), and armed with any form of unguided weapons (these dont need to be super powerful, but should be able to kill MK2 hull at least with a good shot). Ill also accept fighters/bombers too, both pirate and alliance ones, as pirates tend to have rather mixed squadrons and i prefer not to have entire squadrons composed of the exact same vessel since pirate fleets tend to be made of scrap they found and they dont really field more then 1-2 of the same vessel (with teh exception of teh Micro-C which is everywhere). Alliance squadrons are uniform (usually one squadron of the same model), but i have 1 squadron that hasnt been filled with fighters, two are using HK-101s, one is using an Ogcorp fighter, and one more is planned to be in this fight, so thats open. Pirates have 4 squadrons filled already, and need to have at least 2 more squadrons filled with craft, and i dont really want to reuse stuff they already have. Edited by panzer1b
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Well, im now working on making some truly high quality ships, the first 2 that im truly happy with is the AKS SK-CRV-Ig6, and the Pirate designed frigate: "The Annihilator II".
The SK-CRV-Ig6 (and the SK-CRV-A6 which has same hull, different secondary weapons options) has been around for a few weeks, but it is honestly my best vessel if you look at its armor, the bloody thing REFUSES to die to anything non competitive, it takes massive damage, but the skeleton is extremely tough given its lowish mass/part counts.

The Annihilator II is one of the pirate ships i plan to use in next engagement thats gonna be the center of the next comic installment. I think its a good mainstream combat vessel, and its kinda in pirate style. I finally found a perfect amount of imperfections to give it (as in randomly twisted hull armor so it doesnt have that clean look). Its enough to make it look like like something that had armor applied by unskilled labor/in the field, but the ship itself is actually the same hull of the Annihilator I, so it doesnt look like crap.

Now, to make more ships, need more pirate vessels, since well, i kinda envisioned pirates using custom designs, so i dont want to reuse them (unlike AKS/B-Corp that has their own production lines and can have formations of identical ships). Next up is an AA corvette intended for dealing with bombers/fighters, and a specialized strike-corvette that will engage capitals with high TWR and maneuverability, but bad armor and nothing against fighters. Then 2 carriers, 1 more frigate, 2 more general purpose corvettes, and finally a flagship destroyer (due to part cont lag i cant go above destroyers).

Edited by panzer1b
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  • 5 weeks later...

It's Ogcorp CEO here (now militaristic squirrel), with a small thing to say



had to do somthin' funny, but, for real,  I will tell you when the thing is available for download, but also, it has a launch stage :)

oh, and I may* build a pirate vessel

* most likely really far later when I make an odd looking ship, which is hard for a guy used to not doing that on purpose


but otherwise, Ogcorp is back in business, so I can't wait to read the battle :).

Edited by Militaristic Squirrel
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this is the first page I went to after I recovered this account, cuz AKS is amazing.

so I finally got an idea for  backstory in your universe for Ogcorp (warning: involves brief macey dean/spiritwolf stuff), prepare to read ;)

It started on Kerbin, after the success of spiritwolf. AKS launched it's first successful fighter, and Ogcorp was looking at spiritwolf. But after the disappearance of Spiritwolf, AKS inspired Ogminius Kerman (OGCORP'S CREATOR), to fight his enemies, a rival corporation whose name is forgotten, and go to space. Sadly, Ogcorp was building fighters too early in the program, and Ogminius himself perished in a failed prototype of the Ogcorp light model 1.


But Ogcorp went on, Heading to space, building fighters, and then, later, after discovering B-corps evil long after the first war of minmus (The only TV capable object was destroyed when Ogminius blew up, so it took forever to catch up), the guys at ogcorp, admirers of AKS' impressive crafts and stuff, built fighters and sold them to AKS (unfortunately not knowing of the docking port problem, and the next Sparrowhawk may solve that, but for now, I'll try a new carrier), and hoped for the best :)

'k, now tomorrow, I'll need to build a carrier to carry my fighters, and give for the battle after the one that you are making, or retry my paused project, the Spirit of Kerbin Launch Stage redesign project, to bring back the one who started it all.



Edited by Ogcorp CEO
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  • 1 month later...

Great comic.

If you don't mind I would like to submit a ship. It is an unarmed crew transport ship with just under 4000m/s delta v. Based off your designs and currently unnamed. Use as you wish but mention That it was designed by either Core Industries or myself.

Having trouble with images right now. Will post them later.

Here's the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Space+-+Transport+Mk1.craft

Edited by CrypticCross345
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Now that 1.1 is out, im officially back to working on this.

1st legit battle scene is finally almost done.  A week or so and ill have the next major part done.  Taking a while to do everything as ive started photoshopping quite a bit (stuff like weapons trails, engine effects, smoke, ect that isnt really doable in KSP but makes everything look super cool).

If you want a sneak peek into a few pics from teh next scene check post #2 on 1st page with spoilers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(still in 1.0.5 :( ) TODAY I looked back at teh cobra II. I noticed how bad it looked, a bit unclean and bulky, then I said, WAIT, panzer1b will be back soon, how about it becomes a PIRATE fighter. how they got the engines..... I tried a new SSTO thing, kinda had 4 engines, it went boom in space, it was a civilian ship (they were rich tho), but the think was mk2 however, and the engines were intact. the escort was dead cuz it was a slapped together shuttle thing to return home.


SO PLEASE.... (cue the cute cat meme.... XD )  


P.S: I want to tell you you are my biggest influence to get into SSTO ships again, and I want to thank you somehow, some way, cuz you DESERVE it.

Edited by Ogcorp CEO
shoutout to an amazing SSTO builder and my large SSTO influence
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