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Invisible, Inc. (formerly known as Incognita)


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Invisible, Inc. is Klei Entertainment's latest. It's an attempt to do turn-based stealth, and in my opinion, it succeeds spectacularly.

The idea is to infiltrate various megacorporations and get out with enough technical capability to take on the Big Bad at the end of the game. And they made it so that getting detected is bad, but not the end, so you always have room to make desperate strategies and try to get out alive even when it seems like all might be lost.

Add in a constantly-rising alarm level (with rising risks along with it) and even though it's turn-based, you have a genuinely tense experience. Everything's mapped out and predictable, so that when you screw up, you have no one to blame but yourself; it's just how effectively you make plans and carry them out.

It doesn't have much of a story/plot, but it's a strategy game, and (IMHO) as such doesn't really need one.

I can't get enough of it. Just wondering what other people's experiences with the game might be.

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It is quite a nice game, although I hoped I could have a longer campaign and more agents to cycle through without having to redo the campaign. Something even more x-com style.

I also really enjoy the story actually, and hope to see a sequel, with that hook they gave us at the end...

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It is quite a nice game, although I hoped I could have a longer campaign and more agents to cycle through without having to redo the campaign. Something even more x-com style.

I can see wanting it to be that way, I'll admit, though I really enjoy the higher-stakes feeling of putting it all on the line. It means learning by death for a while, but once it all started to "click", I came to prefer it the way it is.

I also really enjoy the story actually, and hope to see a sequel, with that hook they gave us at the end...

Oh, agreed! Just because I didn't think it needs a story doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the story. I think that what they did include is evocative, intriguing, and really slick. I just mean to say that I don't think the game suffers for having a sketch of a story rather than something more detailed.

And as for the sequel -- yes, please! (I didn't want to give any spoilers.) There's some DLC coming out in the fall, but as I understand it, it's going to cover events prior to what we see in the game we have.

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