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Sometimes not able to create a maneuver node

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After all this time playing I find myself embarrassed doing this question.

Sometimes I cannot place a maneuver node in my blue-orbit trajectory. As far as I recall I've found 2 cases.

1) In some closed trajectories.

2) In some non-closed trajectories

In case 1) it is enough to quick-reload the game or just go to the Kerbin Space Center and come back to he ship. I've also found that in case 1) you cannot pin point the perigee or the apogee to show data. You click on it but the altitude disappears once you move the mouse.

Case 2) happens to me sometimes in theoretically-closed orbits that actually aren't because in your path there is a planet you are going to rendezvous with. Ex: orbiting around Kerbol and making a rendezvous with a planet. Imagine a blue trajectory that goes from your ship to the target planet. In those cases, if between the ship and the target planet there is only the periapsis or the apoapsis, you cannot create a maneuver node in the arc between the ship and the point where the peri/apoapsis exists. But you can create a maneuver node between the peri/apoapsis point and the rendezvous planet. And it is no use to trying to solve it as in case 1). Even when going to the Space center and coming back to the ship, the issue remains.

Has anyone know if cases 1) and 2) are bugs?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by LordCorwin
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Don't know if it's a bug, but I've had both cases happen from time to time. Usually I'll pop out to the Space Center/Tracking Station and go right back in... seems to help. Sometimes I'll also go out to the far end (as you've described in Case 2), create the node, and then drag it back to where I need it. Sometimes I find I can create the node even when it seems it won't allow it, as if the line is so thin/fine that I've got to hover there and move around a bit before it shows up - and sometimes that's only briefly, and then I have to try again and again.

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I think it has to do with the way orbit lines get drawn (which apparently has been improved in 1.1). Dragging the node back sometimes works. I've used precise node to good effect as well.

Thanks, I tested it and sometimes it works :-)

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