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What is causing these crashes?

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i'm running a x32 KSP intall with a large number of mods. It's crashed occasionally since I installed the first group of mods, but only when "stuff" happened (entering/exiting KSC buildings, switching vessels, launching/recovering vessels, etc.) I can live with this, as it's not too frequent. (All the same, here's a pastebin of one such error (the error.txt) : <link>. Go ahead and look over that if you want to. :wink:)

However, I recently installed a few more mods (FAR, Toolbar, and VesselViewer), and now it crashes even when "stuff" (see above) doesn't happen. Here's a link to a pastebin of the error.txt: <link>

If I need to include for info, just tell me! :)

Edited by Alex33212
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You are running out of memory due to 32bit limitations.

Add -force-d3d11 (or -force-opengl if you dont have dx11) to the end of your shortcut target. This will reduce usage quite a bit.

Then either wait for 64bit (soonish) or remove some of the larger mods/remove items from stock and mods you don't use.

Stock game also has a memory leak when changing scene which doesn't help :)

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Go into your steam library, right click on KSP, choose "properties". Under the "general" tab click "Launch Options" and type in either -force-d3d11 or -force-opengl

d3d11 works well for me, but try both and see which one works for you with the least amount of glitching.

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If you start the game from in Steam, then you just need to right click KSP, click set Launch Options. Then type it in that box.

If you use a shortcut then right click it and goto properties, at the end of the target line add it there.

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