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Finally found a Mun arch...


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Been to the moon many times, but today is the first time I found a Mun arch (I found the Kraken on Bop long before I got around to visiting any of the Mun arches). I saw it on the north rim of the East Crater while landing my craft, and I decided to go check it out after landing.

Two observations:

1. They're much bigger than I realized:


That little white dot is Bob.

2. Maaaybe Squad should consider placing these things by hand:


Bob ponders the anti-gravity technology of the Mun arches.

I get that when you procedurally generate land, this kind of thing happens. For example, it's fairly common to find things like this in The Elder Scrolls games. However, those are massive worlds with tons of procedurally generated content. It would take too long to check everything to make sure nothing's sticking out like this. OTOH, there are only a few landmarks of note in KSP, so it should be fairly easy to check this stuff out and fix it...

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BTW, which terrain quality you play on? On all, but the highest, misplaced stuff like that is a common thing.

Everything's on Ultra Low.

Perhaps Squad should do playthoughs using something other than the highest settings, then...

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Perhaps Squad should do playthoughs.

Not meaning to be rude, but I fixed it a bit. :wink:

I play KSP from like 0.20 or 0.21, and terrain always behaved like that. Certain well known and really common bugs (like gddm Klaw, I even don't look at this demonic thingie anymore) are sitting there like forever. That's kinda sad.

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Been to the moon many times, but today is the first time I found a Mun arch (I found the Kraken on Bop long before I got around to visiting any of the Mun arches). I saw it on the north rim of the East Crater while landing my craft, and I decided to go check it out after landing.

Two observations:

1. They're much bigger than I realized:


That little white dot is Bob.

2. Maaaybe Squad should consider placing these things by hand:


Bob ponders the anti-gravity technology of the Mun arches.

I get that when you procedurally generate land, this kind of thing happens. For example, it's fairly common to find things like this in The Elder Scrolls games. However, those are massive worlds with tons of procedurally generated content. It would take too long to check everything to make sure nothing's sticking out like this. OTOH, there are only a few landmarks of note in KSP, so it should be fairly easy to check this stuff out and fix it...

Can you file a report on the bug tracker? I'll poke our QA team about it.

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Nice job, I've yet to see one in person myself.

Good work!

You can see 'em at a fair distance from orbit.. There's some not too far from the equator, you should be able to see 'em with a nice low survey orbit..

KSP needs moar of these (but also needs those invisible walls on Pol to go away - I've only landed on Pol once in 1.0 in fear of those damn walls) -- well, assuming they don't hit performance too hard.. :/

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