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T-14 Armata with 152 mm 2A83 main gun [A Prototype]

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Behold, the unstoppable, highly reliable T-14 Armata tank.

The T-14 is equipped with 44S-sv-Sh dual layer Malachit ERA blocks, as visible on the sides of the tank. They're kinda hard to see in the picture, but the whole side is covered by heavy ERA.

The rear of the tank is encapsulated by a missile net.

The 2A83 main gun is huge, but it's projected to have the required muzzle velocity to defeat the latest composite armor...

I'll have actual ERA for the 125 mm variant of the armata I'm releasing.

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vslcdkylowvoxmo/T-14A-2.craft?dl=0

Sorry for the sucky picture quality, but my laptop currently has some issues with graphics drivers. I'll get it rectified soon.








Also, I'm developing a special system for another tank replica...

Edited by andrew123
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Love it! While it's only a prototype model at this stage, the tank definitely looks as low-slung and menacing like modern Russian MBTs are. It also looks like it has a relatively low part count... have you considered making some or all of the armor panels out of airfoil sections? They can look like applique armor and add some smoothness to the design.

But then you get a white tank. Maybe for UN peacekeeping :D

Would you consider putting up a copy on KerbalX? I would like to share your craft file on my channel and maybe obliterate houses and cars with it soon. I would need a way to make the main gun functional though..

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Love it! While it's only a prototype model at this stage, the tank definitely looks as low-slung and menacing like modern Russian MBTs are. It also looks like it has a relatively low part count... have you considered making some or all of the armor panels out of airfoil sections? They can look like applique armor and add some smoothness to the design.

But then you get a white tank. Maybe for UN peacekeeping :D

Would you consider putting up a copy on KerbalX? I would like to share your craft file on my channel and maybe obliterate houses and cars with it soon. I would need a way to make the main gun functional though..

I did think of the airfoil armor, but as you said, it makes it look like a cute peacekeeping vehicle rather than an utilitarian russian vehicle. :) Also, thank you.

And yes, as requested, I'll put up a copy on KerbalX. I'll edit the link into this comment soon.

EDIT 1: http://kerbalx.com/VodkaPutin/T-14-Armata-152-mm-protoype

There is the link to the kerbalx download. :)

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