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Intake air and LF

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Number of intakes don't affect fuel usage.

Turbojets and Rapiers stop producing thrust at around 24 km, no matter how many intakes you add.

Basic Jets stop producing thrust around 15 km.

1 Intake per Engine is more than enough.

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when using basic jets and turbojets, a lot of intakes will use less fuel or it will just allow me to go higher?

What Val said. Beyond having "enough" intake air, additional intakes add nothing but mass and drag. Most intakes are more than sufficient at 1 per engine.



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the ammount of IntakeAir affects anything?

If you are referring to the line in the resource tab, the max amount is pretty meaningless.

Two things to watch for with intakes...

-Make sure you have enough (as noted above)

-If you have a lot of engines, keep an eye out for asymmetric thrust due to air starvation.

If you get asymmetric flameout, add intakes, or remove and place intake, intake, engine; intake, intake, engine...



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