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[SHOWCASE] The Watercraft Showcase Thread!

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I like making boats and stuff in this game, hail Better Buoyancy!

I'm sure some other people like doing it too.

So show us your watercraft, from seaplanes to cruiseships to aircraft carriers!

I'll start with the Kassandra Leisure Boat, brought to you by the Kassandra Boating Division of SAP-C!

Speedy, agile and most of all, FUN! The KLB is sure to entertain you and thrill you alike! Our test pilots, Eileen and Ribvey Kerman observed a top speed of about 53m/s, thats about 118mph! But at that speed the boat capsized, bow over stern! So to keep it safe, try to keep below 48m/s, and always keep your safety suits handy! Airbrakes and Control Surfaces mean it can turn without even moving! So it's very manouvrable. Available at your local shipyard for 81,240 funds!

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Now show us yours!

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