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[0.15 Stock]BARTO-1S spaceplane

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I was trying to do a fully-reusable spaceplane, and I came up with this design :


BARTO stands for Boosters And Rocket To Orbit, but the current version is the S version, meaning it\'s Suborbital...


Carefully read the following instructions before flying !

To take off :


Activate RCS, full power on boosters. Pull up until it takes off.

It\'s pretty scary since it will zoom all the runway and take off at a few meters of the water.


When it flies, activate SAS and raise gears.

As soon as external boosters are out of fuel, press space. They will separate and fall under a lots of chutes.


Landing :

This is the tricky part...

It will be really hard to control, RCS should help.

Then you\'ll have two options :

-You can land normally (on the runway) and press space once to deploy the drag chutes

-If you cannot control the craft anymore, press space twice to deploy the emergency chutes. They will make you gently fall at about 10m/s.


Loss control, using emergency chutes.


Splashdown !

If you manage to fly it to the runway, Bravo !

Also, if anyone could help me to make it fly to orbit, thanks !

Happy flights !


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You are using the plane tanks; I\'d recommend that you replace them with the rocket tanks, since all engines you are using are rocket engines and eventually the fuel types will be split into 2 different types, meaning this design wouldn\'t work. Also, the rocket fuel tanks actually hold more fuel.

You could probably reach orbit after that. However, that isn\'t actually a fully-reusable spaceplane! You are jettisoning boosters!

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