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Mun Base - WIP

Red Shirt

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I put a satellite in Mun orbit to scout for resources so I can add a mining facility in the near future. But why stop there? So I started tinkering and here is my Mun base idea so far.


The base does use electricity so the solar farm is necessary. The rest is just for fun. The green lit tanks are for oxygen storage, either produced from the greenhouse or converted from resources (actually they are rescaled fuel tanks). The blue lit tank on the tower is for water. The center hub is communications where I repurposed the escape tower and 3 stock antenna. The glass domed hub farthest from the water tank is for recreation/social with the 4 hubs attached to it being crew quarters.


Here is a nighttime beauty shot


None of this serves a real purpose. I just wanted it. I will probably hyper edit it in place. Figuring out how to build in pace will come later.

I have not actually begun work on the mining portion yet because I will be downloading KIS/KAS for the fuel lines. Don't want to have to land on a docking port to refuel.

Once again I have probably started this in the wrong place. Apologies to the mods if you have to move it.

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can i have the mod of the domes? :)

The domes came from zzz as found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43840-Hab-Hub-(and-other-strange-things)

Be aware the cfg's will have to be updated.

You might be better off to grab them here as they have already been fixed: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133216-WIP-Z_thing-ZZZ-s-Part-Collection.

Just noticed the fixed version has only a top and bottom node and counts on surface attach for side mounting. I revised my config file to allow 6 edge nodes.

Edited by Red Shirt
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