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Greatly speed up KSP for everyone with weak computers!

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  KevinTMC said:

Is the settings file attached to the original post still usable in 0.16, or will it need updating?

And any other suggestions for tweaks? I\'m not quite sure what most of the settings in the graphics screen do, so I feel like one of the dimmer Kerbonauts when attempting to adjust them myself.

It\'ll be fine, but you\'ll need to go into the game and re-bind all the E.V.A controls, probably.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  Koschei said:
I also have a bit of advice for speeding up KSP. If you have 2 or more gigs of RAM, try RAMDisk. It really helps. A lot of the game\'s lag is loading Kerbin into memory and this speeds up the game a LOT.

I have 8gb ram with a 2gb gfx card and intel core i5 2.3ghz cpu, i still get lag on big ships so i tried ramdisk and it actually appears to make things slower, and yes i did create a parition and then transfer my ksp folder (Which is 4gb with mods on mine)

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Big ships, especially if they have a lot of struts will cause the game to lag. Struts are very CPU intensive as they are drawn by raycasting. Also, bear in mind that very little in the way of optimization has been done and there is a lot of debug code in the game.

KSP is definitely a game where less is more is the rule rather than the exception. I know you want to build massive rockets, but in reality, that's not how they are built.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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I installed this and it seems like it is faster, but my only option for terrain detail is still just "low". Should a "very low" setting appear now? Or is it something that is in the background and I just have to make sure my setting is to low? Maybe I did it wrong? I put it in the same folder that the old settings file was and deleted the old.

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Nice tip with the config file. The other thing I've done is to rescale all the texture files to max 512x512 (NB some are smaller), as I noticed some of the mods use 1024x1024 even for tiny components. Seems to help a bit.

If you try this, make sure to backup your original files first.

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Oh i forgot to add that i did use this very low graphics setting and it makes a HUGE different to large craft (like my space station) but when i activate ion engines i get major lag, but these setting really do make a massive difference to performance

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  • 7 months later...

Woah! Necro post alert! BZZZZZZZZ!

As this was for an older version of KSP, the likelihood of it working is small. Rather than dredge up this old topic, you should start a new one asking about this tweak.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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