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B-52ish aerodynamic test craft. Interesting lesson


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This is my first, as I would call it, flyable craft since returning since the 1.0 release. Trying to figure out aerodynamics! 8)

I think I've discovered what the B-52 is like to design and fly a bit. The tilted wings and help with take off and the forward engines are for stability. I've been putting my center of thrust behind my center of lift. Old habbit from before 1.0 Having it behind gives alot of stability. At least to this setup. It was interesting compared to my other craft. It is also more forgiving to shifting COM's! Good for bomber/loader craft!

I think I just need to figure out how to stabalize it's nose without SAS on and figure out how to get into orbit in an SSTO again!


Edited by Arugela
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That is what I was refering too. But I meant the wing setup. It has similar wing angles and somewhat relative engine placement. That is what I meant by B-52ish. And as far as I can tell it flies like it. The only difference may be the position of the tail fin to the wings and stuf. You could extend the fuselage or place the engines under the wing and put it back farther. I wonder how it would fly differently. As is it flies pretty stable. Outside of using the air breaks for flight stability that is. Maybe the tail back farther would stabalize the nose.

And I was using the airbreaks to watch the crafts aerodynamics. It lets you see it as you fly better. That is part of the test aircraft part! 8)

Edited by Arugela
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