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Thread Tagging


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This board is going to serve several purposes at once, in order to keep it organized, all threads has to be tagged for easy overview.

Here's a list of the tags you can use for a thread (Make sure to apply them properly)

[invention] - Naming geographical features, creating languages or future solar systems, this all falls under this category.

[Writing] - Do you like literature and writing fanon? You can do this just as well.

[Artwork] - Not a fanwork written in words? Art is welcome too, feel free to post any, make sure to keep it KSP related.

- Is your artwork moving? If you have created original content of this degree, please use this tag for your thread. NOTE: This does not include normal mission game footage.

[suggestion] - This board is open for input and ideas, if you have a good idea, it is more than welcome.

[special] - Not sure how to tag your thread/no proper tag but still fan-works related? Use this tag instead. Note that using this tag means that you are subjecting your thread to either moving or tag renaming.

Remember to have your thread(s) tagged for easy overview.

Edited by Ascensiam
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I've created thread prefixes now, which are VBulletin's "official" way of tagging threads. You can now choose a tag from a list when posting, and your thread will get a colored tag along with the title.

The only drawback is that it seems you can't have multiple prefixes... It should be worth the tradeoff though. :)


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