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Showcase Thread: Kitten's Aerospace Musings - Craft for All Occasions and Everyday Use

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Kitten Aerospace is a fictional aerospace corporation run by yours truly. The logo is inspired by that of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, which created the Mi-12 "Homer" - the world's largest helicopter. I may continue to construct never-flown Mil Helicopter designs, such as the triple rotor V-16, or convert prototype V-12 into a super heavy quad-rotor for space program support operations in the near future. That makes the "V-112" project twice as large as the world's largest helicopter!

The idea to create a centralized craft directory instead of leaving my toys all over the place should be credited to fellow forumer GarrisonChisholm, who provided the idea to create a fictional company.

I'm looking to perform collaborative builds with other KSP forumers, and collaborative projects often result in the most beautiful high performance craft; they and the original designers' names, will make star appearances in the lists below.


I am born in and educated in a society that is strictly anti-creativity. From elementary school all the way to joining the workforce, creativity is something which people frown on, no thanks to indoctrination via government policy. But these days I'm old enough not to bother, and use my KSP YouTube channel as a means to inspire the handful of special needs persons whom I care for in everyday life. KSP is not just a game - it's a cure for my depression and social anxiety, and for at myself and least one other, a creative outlet and a workaround for an autistic mind, to show that thinking differently, does not mean thinking badly.

Mental healthcare does not exist in any helpful form besides virtual life imprisonment here, nor will I find any solace from people close by.

I thus use the Internet as my canvas, scouring it for snippets of inspiration - everything from miltary history, science fiction, to the Real Housewives of (insert location here). For some time I used to make short showcase videos for various games including Orbiter and some of Rovio Entertainment's mobile games, but felt out of place until I found the present KSP community to be the perfect roaming ground for my ridiculous contraptions.

My KSP YouTube channel also got me a valuable chance to embark on a career change.

There is no set pattern to my creations in KSP. One moment I will work on Gerry Anderson-esque aircraft, the next moment I might build a house and attempt to sell it on the forums. Some of the best designs are gleaned from browsing Wikipedia on my phone at 2am in the morning, like this Rotary Rocket that somehow flew all the way to Kotaku.

The below list, sorted by KSP version, is this completely random. Craft listed under current KSP versions are regarded as operational and actively supported by the kitten's various global subjects, while those listed under past KSP versions have their craft files available for use in that particular version, and porting them to 1.0.4 should be done at your own risk.

Craft built in KSP 0.90 mostly utilize B9 Aerospace, which is not officially updated for 1.0.4 yet although you may find development versions available on the respective mod thread.





X-1 / X-2 Micro Shuttles

[craft thread] [

] [download at KerbalX]

Primitive Orbital Station

[video thread] [view in Sketchfab]



Mil Mi-12 Homer / V-12 Prototype - Super Heavy Transverse Rotor Helicopter

[craft thread] [video]

"Big-S" Business Jet / HX-L Delta Clipper - Mach 4.5 Supersonic Business Jet

[craft thread] [download at KerbalX]

TXR-3 Valiant Strike Bomber - Fictional Royal Air Force Concorde & Vulcan-derived supersonic bomber concept

[craft thread] [video] [download at KerbalX]


HX-1 Artemis Hypersonic Airliner

[craft thread] [video] [download at KerbalX]

XV-4 Enforcer Intercontinental V/STOL / X-Com Skyranger Replica - Collaborative Build with LethalShade

[craft thread] [

] [download at KerbalX]

PZL-230F Skorpion Attack Fighter - 1990s Polish Air Force Light Attack Jet Concept

[craft thread] [

] [download at KerbalX]



2-Storey Kolonial House

[craft thread] [download at KerbalX]

Kerbalwagen Type 2 Microbus

[craft thread] [amphibious assault video] [download Microbus at KerbalX] [download Amphibious Assault Barge at KerbalX]

Kerbalwagen Mark 1 - The Kerbal's Car

[craft thread] [download GTE Coupe at KerbalX] [download Spyder Convertible at KerbalX]

1989 Ford F-150 Replica / K-150 S2/S3 Pickup Truck - Collaborative Build with BlueCanary

[craft thread] [download at KerbalX]

McDuna Mobile Restaurant - Are Tomato Wheels a Good Idea?

[craft thread] [download at KerbalX]


1.0.2 and Earlier


X-Wing Rotary Rocket

[Kotaku Feature] [craft thread] [craft file on KerbalX]

Northrop Switchblade - Forward Swept Variable Geometry Winged SSTO


] [craft thread] [craft file on KerbalX]

XV-1 Hummingbird Turbo-Compound Tilt Rotor


] [craft file on KerbalX]

Kitty Space Program: Interplanetary Cat Explorer



Kerbal Truck Simulator


] [KMC M2 at KerbalX]

Edited by pandoras kitten
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Nice company! You might consider putting it in rocket builders, the traditional place for companies. You don't have to, though. You can add my stock version of the artemis transport, with credit, if you want.

Ah yes, I will have to get back to doing something useful with HX-1 soon. Will add your stock craft to the list when I next maintain it tomorrow :D

I'm on to something good with the Mi-12 (V-12) helicopter though. I got someone to do voice acting for a faux documentary, and I just developed an auto-hover system for precision sling loading without needing any mods.

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