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Vessel is Unstable

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Since this is my first post, I'm not sure if this is the right place. I think it is because I suspect that some of the add-ons are causing this problem.

I'm launching a satellite and everything goes fine, until I'm in space, then the probe starts to spin uncontrollably. This is solved if I turn off the reaction wheels.

I've tried removing the trim from the controls by using Alt+X (I'm on Windows), but I can still see that the controls are not centered.

I'm using the following Mods:






KWRocketry-Community Fixes

Collision FX


KSP Insterstellar


B9 Aerospace

Procedural Probes

B9 Aerospace Procedural parts

Procedural Parts

This didn't start after installing a particular mod, only after I tried to build a Probe Mothership (which had 8 probes so I could send it to Jool and log all the moons).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I have encountered this issue when I (silly me) tried to clip monopropellant tanks into docking ports of a pre-connected single launch space station.

The clipped parts in the docking ports more or less created a sort of constant minor vibration and torque and caused a bit of alarm on my part. You might want to check if your docking ports, if any are clear from clipped parts and obstruction if preconnected.

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