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Problem converting dae to obj for use in Wings3d

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So I decidet to make something for the game. Tried to import the radial decoupler model for reference.

Failed miserably. Need Help.

We'll short story long:

I'm using Wings3d. Unfortunately it lacks .dae import (can import .obj though). Googled a little, learned: Blender can be used to convert between the two. Problem now is, importing fails with a generic 'Cannot create image.' error... (Blender 2.58)

I found a absolute path to the texture in the .dae wich was pointing to HarvesteR's desktop... fixed that but I still can't import the mesh, same error.

If I delete the whole section with the texture the error disapears and the import fails without error, I love when software does that...

Is there anyone who could help me out here? Any way of converting from dae to obj would do I guess...

I tried a second program, meshlab, but it only imports vertex data and no faces :-\

If all else fails, does anyone know how a radial decoupler is set up? I noticed some parts stay on the rocket when I blow one.

Also, how far are two objects connected with a standart radial decoupler apart?

Importing would make me happier than a bunch of numbers though...

Thanks a bunch.

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3ds max, Maya, Cinema4D and Sketchup are all programs that I believe can easily process .dae's. Your problem is odd, it probably has to do with Wing's itself. Have you tried just creating a mesh in blender?

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First Suggestion Worked like a charm. I saw FBX mentioned somewhere else but assumed it was avaliable as max plugin only... Ah well my bad.


Have you tried just creating a mesh in blender?

Last time I tried that it gave me nightmares for about a month ;P

To be clear the Problem was not that I couldn't import into Wings but I couldn't import into Blender. To merely convert meshes Blender is overkill anyway I guess.

Wings3d just doesn't import .dae, it does export though... I will see how well that goes... if it doesn't I assume I can just use that FBX thing again. It seems to work great, I'm happy now :D thanks again!

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The FBX Converter is about the quickest, cheapest, and system easy way to convert the Collada format.

Being it's a just a fancy text file?

You can use notepad to create the obj file and the needed mtl file for textures.

If there's a need for an easy converter from Collada to obj?

Aside from the FBX way, one can be done in Python.

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