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Heavy SSTO - unable to take off?

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'Flip' isn't how I'd decide it - more a rapid swing from 10 degrees positive to 35 degrees negative. But I digress.

CoM change? Interesting. Do you have any suggestions for how to alter fuel load as so to ensure that the CoM moves as little as possible? And are there any tools/mods to dynamically display CoM and CoL while in flight?

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No SAS on this thing - it's too damned big for that. They don't make SAS in this size :P

But I do have a few RCS thrusters, and some gimbal. But yeah, I did notice the control authority problem - I tried to pull up after the pitch change, and couldn't adjust altitude by the time I hit a few thousand metres, at which point the thing had so much heat that it exploded.

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Alright, problem was solved by redistributing some mass and hitting rockets when engine thrust dips below 500kN per engine.

Still got a whole pile of issues (like how the .... I'm supposed to land this damned thing), but those are workable. For now, marking this as 'answered'. Thanks for your help, everyone!

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