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Trying to salvage my game by altering my save (173 hours worth)

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I'm having big problems trying to work around a bug in the game which makes my whole space station explode. I don't have a save game I can revert to which will stop this happening and if I can't stop this happening I will have to start all over again.

So what happens is once a separate ship, which has a buggy decoupler, reaches a certain distance away from my space station the space station explodes. From reading around the forums I think this is what is causing the problem. I think the easiest way of trying to work around it (and I've tried everything within the game I think) is to just delete the buggy ship completely from the save game. Unless someone has a different solution.

However, I can't find my save games. I've really tried, seriously.
  • I'm running a mac (not sure which version. If it matters then tell me how to find out which)
  • I'm not sure which version of KSP I'm running but I downloaded it from steam about a month ago.
  • I'm not running any mods. This is purely the base game.
  • I think have all hidden files shown. Maybe I'm wrong.
  • I've tried searching for 'persistent.sfs', 'VAB', '.ship' and '.sfs' in finder
  • I've tried following this pathway which wiki says should be location: '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program ' but there is no 'steam' section in 'Application support'.
  • The only hit in finder i've managed to find is the executable application itself when I search for 'Kerbal'.

So I've got no idea what to do from here. I'm not all that well versed with MACs so it could be something obvious and nooby.
I will try any possible solution. I really want to be able to find my save game locations though.

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I'm pretty sure the whole game needs re-installing because skipping to any blown up piece of ship and trying to warp brings up a message saying 'cannot warp under acceleration'. Also, any ship that used to be fine is now incapable of time acceleration.

Still, I need to find the save games before I re-install the game in an attempt to salvage my progress.

UNLESS! Does anyone know if my save games will be safe if I re-install the game? Or will they be deleted?

Edited by The Griffin
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Go into the game folder, and find "saves" and copy those folders someplace (like your desktop). You can then drag the saves back to the new version. Dunno where steam puts stuff, I have KSP installed a few places on my mac (one in "Applications" for the kids, and I have one in my user folder (modded) as well.

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Go into the game folder, and find "saves" and copy those folders someplace (like your desktop). You can then drag the saves back to the new version. Dunno where steam puts stuff, I have KSP installed a few places on my mac (one in "Applications" for the kids, and I have one in my user folder (modded) as well.

Yes Tater, this is what I'm trying to do. The main issue is that I can't find my game folder though.

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Chance would be a fine thing Mr. Hindsight!

I meant your repair endeavours, not the game messing it up for you (although that might have been even better).

But once you start poking around a save file to fix things, it's good to have a spare copy at hand, just in the off-case that your edits made it worse. (Not that I suggest that to happen of course)

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I meant your repair endeavours, not the game messing it up for you (although that might have been even better).

But once you start poking around a save file to fix things, it's good to have a spare copy at hand, just in the off-case that your edits made it worse. (Not that I suggest that to happen of course)

AH! Good advice. That's not what I thought you meant.

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Right click on KSP in the steam library, go to Properties and then Local Files. There should be the button "Search Local Files" et voila.. (At least this is on Windows, but I don't think Steam changes something there on OS).


Yeah, I am kind of kicking myself a bit. I did look there but I totally skimmed over 'properties'. Just didn't think it would be there.

Now to try and fix the game...

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Does your station have a Service bay? I had that problem once and it went away if I opened the service bay and left it open...

Yeah, a couple I think. All closed though. It's got a lot of little solar panels and about 10 spotlights which I'm trying to delete to streamline redundant parts. The save game gets a little messed up one you start to alter it though.

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