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Realistic Tech Mod Idea: MHD Aerobraking

Kyrt Malthorn

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Calling realism / near-future technology modders!

I ran across a concept that I think should be able to work in KSP. It's called magneto-hydrodynamic aerobraking. In layman's terms, you stick a really strong electro-magnet in front of your craft. We all know that anything screaming through atmosphere at a few kilometers a second has a very pretty fiery inferno around it: that is a plasma of air particles that are heated up by the friction with your ship. Now because it's in a plasma state, it contains a percentage of charged particles, which means it can be affected by a magnetic field. This does several helpful things:

1. The charged particles conform to the magnetic field and even channel most of the non-charged elements of the plasma along the magnetic field.

2. Now air is bouncing off the magnetic field a ways away from your actual ship, so the heat transfer to your hull is reduced.

3. The aerodynamics of the magnetic field's shape are inferred onto the vessel for as long as air friction is creating plasma. That could drastically affect how deep into the atmosphere you can safely aerobrake.

4. Drag forces are applied directly to the magnet, not whatever happens to be facing in the direction of travel.

You can read the long version here from someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

Now, I admit to knowing next to nothing about mods, but here at least is an idea; you tell me if it's possible. Could some sort of invisible collision mesh with a high heat tolerance roughly simulate something like mentioned above? If so, maybe it could be made to be deployed from an electromagnet part when conditions are met? Conditions would be based on velocity and air pressure, same variables the game bases reentry affects on - because the magnet wouldn't do anything if there wasn't any plasma being generated by air friction. And of course, because it's an electromagnet, it stands to reason the electromagnet part would demand a considerable amount of electric charge. Possibly best coupled with a reactor from Interstellar Extended or Near Future Technologies, or at least a literal ton of batteries capable of sustaining the magnet for the duration of its use. Also, pretty useless / just showy if you're not playing with Deadly Reentry or something.

Thoughts? Is this even possible to pull off in KSP?

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