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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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Some feedback for you, Yogui et al., on the Ariane V / ATV:

-- Holy poop does that thing go like a bat out of hell.... just like the real thing!

-- The solids burn out waaaaay too fast. The real Ariane V solids burn for two and a half minutes, with the core usually burning for another two and a half minutes (give or take) until the coast phase.

-- Is there any way to add a bit of ejection kick to the radial decouplers? The solids drop awfully close to the main body.... (I actually don't know if that's possible in KSP with a radial decoupler...)

-- I've sort of figured out the whole decoupling/staging sequence with the second stage.... but it's somewhat counterintuitive. I realize that there's only so much you can do with built-in functionality, though.

-- Also, the way the nodes are configured makes the stock Ariane V craft file more or less unusable in Subassembly Loader. Not that you have any obligation to adapt to someone else's mod, of course.... just an FYI.

-- Why is there a connection node on the bottom of the Vulcain? And why does the Vulcain seem to behave like a pod in the VAB?

-- I think the RCS on the ATV is grossly overpowered. It bucks like a bronco when you're trying to maneuver it, and is undockable using Mechjeb's autopilot.

To end on some positives, though.... the textures are fantastic, and the solar panels on the ATV are magnificent!

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Some feedback for you, Yogui et al., on the Ariane V / ATV:

*Suggestions removed to save space*

To end on some positives, though.... the textures are fantastic, and the solar panels on the ATV are magnificent!

I agree, also there is roughly enough Delta V in the Ariane 5 to get to Duna.

Other than that though, it is brilliant.

Edited by lpam
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Yogui, I already told you I love you...

I guess Im gonna try to express my emotions in french then, seems to work from what Ive seen on SAS1946:

Merci beaucoup, apprécier la tombe, dimovski!

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Some feedback for you, Yogui et al., on the Ariane V / ATV:

-- Holy poop does that thing go like a bat out of hell.... just like the real thing!

-- The solids burn out waaaaay too fast. The real Ariane V solids burn for two and a half minutes, with the core usually burning for another two and a half minutes (give or take) until the coast phase.

-- Is there any way to add a bit of ejection kick to the radial decouplers? The solids drop awfully close to the main body.... (I actually don't know if that's possible in KSP with a radial decoupler...)

-- I've sort of figured out the whole decoupling/staging sequence with the second stage.... but it's somewhat counterintuitive. I realize that there's only so much you can do with built-in functionality, though.

-- Also, the way the nodes are configured makes the stock Ariane V craft file more or less unusable in Subassembly Loader. Not that you have any obligation to adapt to someone else's mod, of course.... just an FYI.

-- Why is there a connection node on the bottom of the Vulcain? And why does the Vulcain seem to behave like a pod in the VAB?

-- I think the RCS on the ATV is grossly overpowered. It bucks like a bronco when you're trying to maneuver it, and is undockable using Mechjeb's autopilot.

To end on some positives, though.... the textures are fantastic, and the solar panels on the ATV are magnificent!

SRB burn too fast: right, I'll fix that. About radial decoupler, I can increase decoupler strengh or I can add small decoupling SRBs like in reality. About fuel tank/ first stage all-in-one: I was forced to merge fuel tank and decoupler because of wobling issues.

About nodes, it's strange, that works fine with my KSP. I'll check that. May be you can send me screenshots.

About Vulcain, the bottom node is useless, the engine don't behave like a pod, it's just that you can put it in first position to build your rocket from the bottom (because of Squad settings to be first in the VAB: allow stack, stack and allow surface)

RCS may be too strong, but there 're stock ones. I need to make my own in a next update.

I agree, also there is roughly enough Delta V in the Ariane 5 to get to Duna.

Other than that though, it is brilliant.

I thik I'll balance it a little more.

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I didn't test Ariane with mechJeb, so try not to use it.

It works just fine once you work out the flat battery issues, just so you know ;)

About the batteries, they're suffisant for ATV (very low enrgy drain). If you need more batteries, add some or edit cfg files.

Correct, once on orbit they ARE fine, but the Ariane 5 + ATV launch stack nearly empties them by the time the first stage ends. Might want to see if something in the stack is draining power too fast, maybe?

About EPS decoupler, you're right, I forgot making one. I plane it for the next update with a twin payload system.

Doh! No problem, I can use a stock decoupler for now. It works okay.

Here a craft file ATV + Ariane 5: http://www./?8d2w13652ki4rrp

Many thanks :)

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The node issue came up solely with Subassembly Loader and the stock craft file. (I didn't test it with an Ariane V assembled manually in the VAB, but I think the same issues can arise for reasons that should be clear after the explanation...)

The problem is that Subassembly Loader only activates open nodes on the root part of the subassembly (which is usually the first attached part) when you load a subassembly. With the stock Ariane V, the root part is the Vulcain. Which means the only active node for attachment is... that node on the bottom. And because of how it works, you can't just attach it upside-down and flip the whole thing.

I think -- but have not tested yet -- that you can fix this by building your own Ariane V in the VAB, but making sure you do it top-down (i.e. starting with the EPS and working down from there). Then, the root part active node should be the top node of the EPS, which is how it all should work. So, long story short, I think it's probably not really your issue at all.

If those are stock RCS modules... then I think Zaran is right -- the ATV is probably just too light. I did get it to dock on MechJeb autopilot by backing the ASAS power down in the .cfg, but it's still a feisty little filly....

I haven't had the issues with the batteries that MDBenson is having. But I code in MechJeb to all command pods, including ATV 1 (vs. using the MechJeb part), so MechJeb isn't drawing down any power for me. (I think the part does draw electricty.) Still, I think bumping the charge from 100 to 200 probably wouldn't hurt.

I do agree that a balance pass is probably needed on all the engines. Not only does the Ariane V have enough dV to get itself to Duna.... the ATV does, too. :)

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I had to edit some cfgs to make it perfect (damn those are some strong SRBs, mechjeb shut down engines at 25KM for the coast! And I added more electricity) but other than that it's great. I wish there was a custom decoupler or innate decouple function since it kinda floats there and gets real wobbly.

For RCS I just used the Soyuz ones as they're less powerful but still look good. Of course you can just edit the stock values and save it as "ATV RCS" too.

Thanks for your hard work, these 'real' packs are what keep me playing KSP! Any news on the rover issues?

Edited by Good_Apollo
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I had to edit some cfgs to make it perfect (damn those are some strong SRBs, mechjeb shut down engines at 25KM for the coast! And I added more electricity) but other than that it's great. I wish there was a custom decoupler or innate decouple function since it kinda floats there and gets real wobbly.

For RCS I just used the Soyuz ones as they're less powerful but still look good. Of course you can just edit the stock values and save it as "ATV RCS" too.

Hi, I'm working on some adjustements (I'm dealing with overpowered SRBs), so can you post (between code balise) your custom edits please? I'm also working on a payload decoupler and a Sylda (cf pic) for twin payloads.


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Sure, I mean I wouldn't call these edits good enough to be the default since I probably spent 10 seconds thinking about them but they work for me.

For the EAP

name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
throttleLocked = True
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
[B]maxThrust = 650[/B]
heatProduction = 300
useEngineResponseTime = True
engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0
allowShutdown = False
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.35
name = SolidFuel
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True
[B] key = 0 250
key = 1 220[/B]

name = SolidFuel
[B]amount = 1500
maxAmount = 1500[/B]


name = ElectricCharge
[B] amount = 200
maxAmount = 200[/B]
name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
[B]maxThrust = 30[/B]
heatProduction = 100
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.1
name = MonoPropellant
ratio = 2.0
DrawGauge = True
[B] key = 0 250
key = 1 280[/B]

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How about "L'Organisation Tete du Lion c'est l'un des meilleures choses a propos de la Programme d'Espace Kerbal!"

(Ma Francais c'est crappy.)

(And I'm too lazy to go get the codes for the proper accents. Les apologies!)

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How about "L'Organisation Tete du Lion c'est l'un des meilleures choses a propos de la Programme d'Espace Kerbal!"

(Ma Francais c'est crappy.)

(And I'm too lazy to go get the codes for the proper accents. Les apologies!)

That's good. At least, I understand what you mean :P

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I'm fixing lots of little issues and try to balance everything:

- rebuild Ariane 5 to fix issues with Subassembly Loader

- reduce engines (vulcain+SRBs) power, SRBs burn longer (about 45s and 5000m)

- reduce fuel quantity

- new RCS for ATV

- change solar panels shaders to specular for more shinyness

- add new parts: SYLDA and decoupler:


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I'm fixing lots of little issues and try to balance everything:

- rebuild Ariane 5 to fix issues with Subassembly Loader

- reduce engines (vulcain+SRBs) power, SRBs burn longer (about 45s and 5000m)

- reduce fuel quantity

- new RCS for ATV

- change solar panels shaders to specular for more shinyness

- add new parts: SYLDA and decoupler:

Looks excellent

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I'm fixing lots of little issues and try to balance everything:

- rebuild Ariane 5 to fix issues with Subassembly Loader

- reduce engines (vulcain+SRBs) power, SRBs burn longer (about 45s and 5000m)

- reduce fuel quantity

- new RCS for ATV

- change solar panels shaders to specular for more shinyness

- add new parts: SYLDA and decoupler:

Excellent :)

On your Circular solar panels, the dimensions are a little off compared to the orignal Orion design. The rod that they mount to needs to be a little longer I think, currently if you fit them to BobCat's Orion service module they clip on the edge of the crew capsule.

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Excellent :)

On your Circular solar panels, the dimensions are a little off compared to the orignal Orion design. The rod that they mount to needs to be a little longer I think, currently if you fit them to BobCat's Orion service module they clip on the edge of the crew capsule.

They shouldn't be attatched to the crew capsule. Bobcat's Orion has a problem in that the 'decoupler' for the Capsule to the SM is nothing but an autoshroud and has no collision model...
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