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Kerbin City?

Sharkman Briton

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The last version of Kerbin City can be downloaded from this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47666-Kerbin-City-Build-2-Now-out!

Do note, however:

- Kerbin City depended on the Kerbtown plugin, which is no longer being maintained following the prolonged absence of its creator Razchek.

- The building models, textures and plot allocations for Kerbin City itself was managed by nothke, who also no longer plays KSP (and has moved on to developing his own game).

- The complex licensing terms nothke instituted for Kerbin City means that anyone wishing to take over the project must first seek the permission of *everyone* who previously contributed assets. Unfortunately, some of these members no longer participate in the KSP community, and so without their permission, nobody can revive Kerbin City.

Therefore, be advised that you are using the last build of Kerbin City at your own risk, and you should not expect any further support / updates in the future.

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  • 3 months later...

How about we create a NEW city from scratch! :D I've been wanting for a city to crash into. :P *I have a mod that makes cities appear, except it's only pasted onto the ground, as an image. ;.; *

Edited by Danisaiah
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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