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Kerbal Space Program Fanart


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Another sketch at work

<img snip>

Mission Control, explaining to Jeb in short, simple words why he won\'t be coming home.

That\'s some fine work there Tim! Do you only do sketch or can you turn that into comic style work? I\'m interested as I need another strip artist for Kerbal Comics. If I can get another artist to commit to a two week schedule, I can stagger the two and have a new comic every week but give each artist 2 weeks between episodes.


Capt\'n Skunky

Kerbal Comics

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I don\'t have 24hr access to high-end art programs at the moment, but yes, I\'m familiar enough with Illustrator to maybe vectorize this. Although, Sordid appears much more familiar with color imaging than I.

I\'m sitting in a graphic design class right now, and we\'ve just been cut loose to work on our next project. I\'ll see what I can do in the next hour :).

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Aaaaaand... stop.

That\'s as far as I got in an hour.

Not very impressive.

If you\'d like me to help out with the comic, I\'d probably be better off doing storyboards or linework that can be colored/vectorized by someone else. I know some webcomics already work this way; Girl Genius for example.

It already looks like you have an established style though, so that would be unnecessarily redundant.

Check with your artist and find out where the current bottlenecks in his workflow are; find out what he needs me to do, if anything.


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Ermm shouldn\'t Skunky be locking the thread as it is mostly discussion not fan-art?

He should make another post for this also...

(Not trying to tell you how to do your job Skunky...)

Why would he lock the thread? This is for Fan-art. Not strictly to post fan-art. You need someone to tell you how you idd on it. :P

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Took the liberty. Hope you don\'t mind.


Far superior to an attempted vectorization IMO. Basically the same style I used for my drawing of the Tracking Station.

How are the current Kerbal Comics drawn, by the way? A combination illustrator/photoshop or something?

There was a discussion a couple pages ago about female Kerbals? I think we\'ve got it right with those last couple sketches.

It was something I wanted to address with this sketch. The few fem-Kerbal attempts I\'ve seen have struck me as far too 'girly'; lots of exaggerated tertiary sex characteristics slathered on.

Subtlety is key here. Rounding out the jawline was really all I changed structurally. Longer hair + a few eyelashes chiseled in took it the rest of the way.

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It was something I wanted to address with this sketch. The few fem-Kerbal attempts I\'ve seen have struck me as far too 'girly'; lots of exaggerated tertiary sex characteristics slathered on.

Subtlety is key here. Rounding out the jawline was really all I changed structurally. Longer hair + a few eyelashes chiseled in took it the rest of the way.

Yeah, I really like your design for them. It feels more 'genuine'.

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Stop Screaming!

Don\'t press and buttons!

What\'s that screaching?

Oh God, we\'re listing!

Hang on man, I\'ve got this!

I\'ll pull this baby up!

With the flick of a switch and the pull of a lever

Everything \'ll be better!

Look at my sunglasses - they glitter in the sun

Glance at my hair - shining to everyone

I\'m perfect don\'t you see,

Now just belive in me!

I\'m the one that they will

see in history.

Jebadiah Kerman!

It\'s not working!

You\'re failed again!

We\'re falling fast

What happens then-

Shut up, don\'t talk no more!

We\'re now under control!

Pitching up, against the wind

You see I\'m just an epic win!

Gander at my walk - A gentle swaying lean

Now just the way I talk - It makes the ladies mean

I\'m perfect don\'t you see,

Now just believe in me!

These boosters scorch the ground

In such a subtle way

Jebadiah Kerman!

What the hell,

We\'re going up

But wheres the chutes?

Jeb what the heck?

My signature move is coming soon

A soft splashdown you big bafoon

Engines on we\'re slowing down

Woohoo! We\'ve got a soft touchdown!

Mission success!

Jebadiah Kerman!

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