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Yet another fuel question

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I've seen the fuel rules but they kinda confuse me.

im moving an asteroid using this simple mover


I have 4 fuel lines radially placed from the center out so once the center tank is empty, they will draw on the exterior mk2 tanks, Evenly. But they are not drawing evenly once the center tank is empty. The fuel first fills up in the upper right tank first and you can see this on my picture. shouldnt they all be refilling evenly?

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I think you might've misunderstood what hoses do and how empty tanks can be replenished.

(I hope you can follow the logic of my analogy below!)

What the hose does is act as a pipe, like the pipes that connect the header tank in your loft to the boiler downstairs. Rather than the boiler completely emptying and then refilling, the header tank immediately replaces anything that's used, so effectively it's the header tank that's drained, and until it's empty the boiler stays completely full.

In order for this to happen, when placing the hoses you should first click on the tank you want to be the 'header tank' and then on the tank you want to be the 'boiler tank'. Basically, fuel flows from first click to second click.

On the other hand (assuming you're not playing career or you've upgraded your buildings at KSC - I forget which one, might be R&D?), you can refill empty tanks from full tanks manually by right clicking on them in game. First right click on an empty tank, then hold alt and right click on a full one. Underneath the fuel level bars on the tooltip are 2 buttons, labelled (I think) 'in' and 'out'. If you click 'in' on the empty or 'out' on the full one, fuel will be transfered through your ship from the full tank to the empty tank.

To transfer fuel from one full tank to multiple empty tanks, hold alt and right click on all the tanks (don't right click on anything else - if you do the in/out buttons won't appear and you'll have to start over) and then just click 'out' on the full tank. This will transfer fuel from that tank to all the others evenly.

Lastly, on the right by the fuel level bars on the tool tips are toggle boxes that are either a green arrowhead or a red dot (again I think). The green means this fuel can be used by an attached engine, the red means it can't - you change it by clicking. It could be that one of these buttons accidentally got clicked during the build and that's why the fuel isn't being drained or transferred (by hoses) evenly.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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