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Build a large base in Silisko's crater

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In honor of our new team member, the Kerbals have set up a contest, to see which company can build the best base. You get points for how realistic it looks. The base must come with 5 modules:

1. Habitation module

2. Power module

3. greenhouse module

4. recreation module

5. storage module

6. you get more points with more modules too

It MUST be in Silisko\'s crater as well.

Post pictures and videos, or it never happened.

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Bonus points for having an escape craft?

Yes, bonus points for ANYthing associated with the base. Com center, Com satellite, space station above for docking (Must have picture docked with landing legs), ETC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For a greenhouse, I\'d use large but not high station modules (maybe use radial attachment), since you need a lot of space to plant on but you probably don\'t want to grow mega-high trees ;P

Bonus points from my side for the power module that holds the most energy and the supply module that holds the most ZO2 ;D

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