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Creating a super tank using BD armory and North Kerbin Dynamics NUKE CANNON!!


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Creating something like this I'm having to reduce the graphics and I do get a lot of crashing when filming. Can't wait for 64-bit 1.1 to arrive and make things smoother. Does anyone know of any armor plating mod that works with BD armory or what the heat damage is for weapons? Migth try to make my own if I need to for things like this.
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25 Miles an hour was the speed they wanted it to be capable of reaching, but IIRC they simply didn't have engines powerfull enough to push it past about 4mph. That's why they never built an actual ratte, though IMO it still would have been a force to be reckoned with as it would have been basically immune to anything smaller than cruiser (possible battleship) scale cannons

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