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[WIP] Robo-Kerbals (Help Wanted)


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Dedication: 100% behind.

GoFundMe: .... not sure if want. I have no idea about this thing.

But I do not mind offering to help in a way I can.

Cool. Im just thinking about having it say:

Dedicated to SkyRender:


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Alright everyone, progress seems slow so I've devised a checklist for us all! (Hopefully it works.)


* Make RoboKerb crew type.

* Figure out how to make a habitation module that only RoboKerbs can get in.

* Brainstorm ideas for new parts.

* Brainstorm other stuff. /

* Work on making a checklist. \/

* Have a nice cuppa tea.

* Be half serious at making a checklist.


* Make our first part + model!

* Do some coding stuff.

* Fail horribly.

* Try again.

* Fail horribly.

* Let someone else do it. /

* Run out of ideas for a checklist.\/

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Well, here is a lil more serious of list:


- Get specifics of the RoboKerbal Class

- Create "Random Kerbal Name Generator" (Letter, Number, Letter, Number - Kerbot (last name of Kerbot)

- Assign new RoboKerbal Class to the randomly generated names.


- RoboKerbal Storage Unit

-- RoboKerbal Exclusivity = Set "Capacity" to be RoboKerbal Specific. (1, 2, 4, 8 Chassis, etc)

-- Comes with basic Command Antenna, can be upgraded with extra Antenna.

Command Antenna: How many RoboKerbals you can have in operation from this antenna.

-- Additional and more powerful antennas can increase the number of RoboKerbals that can be controlled.

-- [i am thinking that these additional antennas have a constant power use, based on the number of RoboKerbals that it commands.]

Control Antenna:

-- Dictates how far the Chassis can be from a Command Antenna, before shutting down. All Chassis have one, but additional ones can be added on for increased range. (perhaps this will be replaced with a dish)

RoboKerbal Backup Unit:

-- This allows any RoboKerbals, within control range, to have their XP saved if they die or explode.

-- Great way to "recover" crash test data.

KIS/KAS Parts/Upgrades

This will allow RoboKerbals to have greater functionality.

Turn their right/left hands into specific tools:

- wrench (the EVA item, re-done to be an arm)

- clamps (a non-fuel transferable version the big clamp arm)

- power tools (the EVA Item, re-done to be an arm)

RCS Pack Replacements:

- Science Kit (Scientist assistant tool, helps re-set and repeat some experiments that would normally not be able to repeated. Spare goo, for experimenting)

- soil sampler (Holds a number of soil samples for collection)

- Solar-cell (makes them a small mobile power unit)

Maybe even change their legs (wheels, tracks, electric engines?)

Internal Items:

A "Black Box" which is akin to ones found on aircraft. Its "indestructible" and in our cases would be the part used to turn the RoboKerbal into its own science experiment, which is to have the RoboKerbal be a Crash Dummy (The rocket explodes, the black box is recovered, and then science is gained.)

RoboKerbal Tech Tree:

Basic Robotics > General Robotics > Advanced Robotics > Experimental Robotics

Basic Robotics: Has the simple, basic RoboKerbal that has 2 boxes of KIS space. The first Command and Control Antennas, and the basic Control Unit that houses 2 RoboKerbals (1.25)

General Robotics: This has a better RoboKerbal that has 4 boxes of KIS Space (so replace both arms, back, and legs), better Command and Control Antennas, and more control units (the solo-pod for .625), the larger pod with 5 RoboKerbals (2.5).

Advanced Robotics: This has the least expensive, disposable RoboKerbal (0 KIS space). This also has larger and more impressive Command and Control Antennas. It also has the 3.75 RoboKerbal Pod that houses a full 8 RoboKerbal Bodies.

Experimental Robotics: This has the "Big" RoboKerbal body, which will be able to lift and move very heavy items (since regular Kerbals can lift 1T via KIS/KAS, and RoboKerbals is 2, we say 5T for these big ones.) The "Big" RoboKerbal Pod that can be mouned in-line (service-bay style), or as a deploy-able KIS box. This would also have the Space-Plane sizes of RoboKerbal command pods.

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With KIS/KAS you'll want to increase there strength so they can do heavy construction, other than that you have just about everything covered I think.


Now its just a matter of implementation. That's where I am stumbling >_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

How is it going with the development.

I wanted to submit some names for the robokerbals:

Artudeetu (named after R2D2 from star wars)

Karen (from spongebob)

Walee (from WALL-E)

Eev (also from WALL-E)

Asymo (named after ASIMO)

Basically robots that are named after famous robots, electrical components or other electrical terms.

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Well, the easy part is making the cfg.



name = Robot

title = Robot

desc = Pilots provide assistance to living Kerbals.



name = RobotSkill



The harder part comes from making the dll that defines RobotSkill.

And what Robot's do will be based more on the gear they carry. Some gear will need RobotSkill to use...

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  • 3 months later...

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