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Mods that "Enhance" KSP


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  Slam_Jones said:
Astronomer's Visual Pack :)

Page says 0.25, might still be compatible. I'd ask someone first (I haven't used it personally... my PC isn't quite strong enough :( )

Indeed, Interstellar (the lastest version of Astronomers pack) does still work provided you have a decent rig to run it with.

All you should have to do to get it to work is to just install as the download tells you to, but skip anything to do with Distant Object, Planetshine, the lens flare, the sun, and lightning. The reason being that these specific bits are either outdated or the few things that just don't' work anymore (or in the case of lightning just silly looking), as unfortunate as it is. Game still looks great with it though.

Now, beyond that for graphics mods, here's my recommendations:

Texturereplacer (Obviously)

Distant Object


Endraxiels Planet Textures (the .dds versions)

Kraken's Andromeda Skybox

Gregrox Mun's Kerbal Suits

Head packs (There's a lot of good ones out there. Mine uses a mix and match of all my favorites from all over the place)

Ven's Stock Revamp (has some parts but they mesh seamlessly with stock)

Those mods will cover improving the stock graphics.

Now, for some extra flavor that isn't already in stock, go for these:

Real Plume

Real Heat


DestructionFX (this ones a little buggy but its cool when its working as intended)

Engine Lighting

Now, I personally don't like to improve graphics without also improving the audio experience as well. So, go for these:





RoverWheel Sounds


Getting all of this into one install (which will be very easy if you have a good comp, run openGL and go pure stock on parts) will leave you with a very, very, VERY pretty and immersive game. Like this:


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I really wish they'd find a way to start incorporating some of these mods into the game as standard features. I can understand why things like gameplay and parts mods aren't adopted because they can radically alter the game, but these graphical enhancements are something that should be easy to have, without having to 'plug&pray' with them every time there's a new update. KSP is as much as an experience as it is a game, and spectacular views have always been a major selling point of any non-combat flight sim.

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Distant Object Enhancement tweaked to show planets as very bright and tiny dots and with maximum skybox dimming.

Engine Light for quite realistic engine plume illumination.

Planet Shine set to maximum shine, minimum vacuum ambient light.

Real Plume, set to maximum possible particle number that doesn't wreck your framerate.

Scatterer for nice atmosphere.

Texture Replacer with Chezburgar's seventh skybox (362 kB in total), which gets rid of the awful stock skybox. Seventh skybox contains only tiny stars because that's the maximum that you'll ever see in reality.

You don't need CPU wrecking EVE with Astronomer's pack (which ruins airless body vs. space contrast) to get basic visual realism KSP lacks even today.




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