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The Dunatian needs you! Wanted Contributors, Artists, Videographers, Streamers, Twitterers etc.


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Epic Rover Journey

We have gone Beta, what we need now is promotion, promotional material and help finalising the save file for people to play. Come and help out and make this the best free downloadable content around.

We have ideas for advertisements, cinematic, posters and writing, just come and ask in the forum thread. Download the pack yourself on Curse. Contribute on the Forum Thread

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I'm thinking about an ad, "When your job is dangerous and possibly lethal you need a vehicle much tougher than you are"

128px-Kerbodyne.pngKerbodyne DR200 Whatney



Duna Rovers Magazine "Quite simply the only rover you want to be stranded on Duna with"

Top Gear " We stuck some parachutes on a DR200 and chucked it out of a shuttle, if you can believe that, it survived...it is one tough nut" <- said in Jeremy Clarksons voice

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