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[WIN] KSP Mod Manager

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KSP Mod Manager is a semi-automatic mod installation program designed for Kerbal Space Program. KSP Mod Manager helps with the installation and uninstallation of mods for Kerbal Space Program. The program also detects when an installed mod is outdated compared to its counterpart in the MODS folder.


  • [li]Unzip the KSP Mod Manager zip file to the root folder of the KSP game folder. KSP Mod Manager.exe should be right next to KSP.exe[/li]
    [li]When starting for the first time, a MODS folder will be created. This folder is a repository for all of your KSP mods, unzip them here, making sure that they follow the below convention. If a particular mod\'s zip file just has a Parts, Plugins and/or Ships folders, then create a folder with the Mod\'s name and unzip it there in the MODS folder.
    \KSP\MODS\<Mod name>\Parts\<files>
    \KSP\MODS\<Mod name>\Plugins\<files>
    [li]To install a mod, click on it\'s name in the Available Mods column and click the > button. When finished copying all of the mod\'s files, the Mod\'s name will move to the Enabled Mods column.[/li]
    [li]To install all of your available mods, click the >> button.[/li]
    [li]For the < and << buttons, the reverse is true for the two instructions above.[/li]
    [li]The Refresh Lists button will recheck for newly added mods in your MODS folder. If the mod was properly formatted, it will then show up in the Available Mods column.[/li]
    [li]The Update Outdated button will automatically delete then readd an outdated insstalled mod. If a new version of a mod has been released, and you would like to update your installed mod, just unzip the new mod into the MODS folder, overwriting the previous version\'s files. Then either start KSP Mod Manager, or click on Refresh Lists so KSP Mod Manager can find the outdated mod. Once a mod\'s Status shows Outdated, click Update Outdated, and KSP Mod Manager will delete and reinstall the mod in one click of a button.[/li]

If any bugs show up, please reply to this thread so I can fix them. I chose to remake the JSGME program for a couple of reasons.

[list type=decimal]

[li]It has now been dropped from continuous development[/li]

[li]I wanted another option that would easily update installed mods[/li]

Note to Modders: If you would like to help facilitate usage of KSPMM, create a folder structure like this in your archives: (Shamefully copied from the Capt\'n)




Known Issues:

  • [li]Export Mod List not working - not implemented yet, unknown if needed[/li]


  • [li]Added program threading to beginning of program to lessen the delay of the form showing on first start.[/li]

EDIT: Didn\'t even notice jgjiscool\'s thread of another mod manager. Sorry for stepping on your toes.

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I am using such a different language that this is more a challenge for me and not against you guys. I would like to try and create a benchmark packaging format though so that all mod packs will work on all mod managers. You keen?

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